FAMILY LAW TOPIC 8 Property Disputes Family Law Topic 8
Preliminary Matters Property regimes unity of property separation of property community of property (strict and deferred) Family Law Topic 8
Preliminary Matters Part VIII Family Law Act s 71: party to a marriage s 71A: no Part VIII for BFA’s s 72: spousal maintenance right s 75: spousal maintenance considerations s 78: declarations of interests in property s 79: alteration of interests in property s 79A: setting aside property orders s 80 general court powers s 81 finality principle Family Law Topic 8
Part VIII Family Law Act s 106A: execution of instruments s 106B: power to set aside transactions to defeat claims s 85A: ante-nuptial/post-nuptial settlements *s 86: registration of maintenance agreements s 86A: MA’s made after commencement of Part VIIIA no longer enforceable *s 87/87A: court-approved maintenance agreements *ss 86 and 87 applies only up to commencement of Family Law Amendment Act 2000 (27.12.00) * applies only up to start of Family Law Amendment Act 2000 (27.12.00) Family Law Topic 8
Part VIII Family Law Act s 88: enforcement of maintenance agreements s 89: overseas maintenance agreements s 90: stamp duty exemption Also note: Pt VIIIA (financial agreements) Pt VIIIB (superannuation) Pt VIIIAA (third parties) Family Law Topic 8
(1) Declarations s 78(1) In proceedings between parties to a marriage Existing title or rights in property May declare title or rights in respect of property s 78(2) Consequential orders Includes sale BUT must there be an issue in dispute between the parties? Family Law Topic 8
(2) Alteration of Property Interests s 79 (key provision) note amendments in 1976, 1983, 1987, 2000, 2001, 2005 etc! (a) Powers s 79(1)(a)-(d) (specific power) s 80 (menu of powers) s 106A (execution of instruments) s 79(1) has two limbs: general power (a)+(b) two particular orders (c)+(d) s 79(1A) enforcement against estates s 79(1B) adjournment of proceedings? s 79(1C) continuation of proceedings (from 1B) Family Law Topic 8
(2) Alteration of Property Interests (b) Just and Equitable Requirement s 79(2) justice and equity overriding effect matrimonial fault? conduct with an economic consequence? Family Law Topic 8
(2) Alteration of Property Interests (c) Matrimonial Property s 4: definition all property owned by both parties net value of assets partnership interests? superannuation entitlements? Family Law Topic 8
(2) Alteration of Property Interests (d) General approach to be taken by the Court ascertain the property value the property consider the discretion: evaluate contributions evaluate future needs Court must give reasons for the exercise of its s 79 discretion Family Law Topic 8
(2) Alteration of Property Interests (e) Cross-vested claims Tort/criminal injury compensation Side-stepped no-fault principle for the battered spouse The effect of High Court decision in Re Wakim (1999) on the operation of state to federal transfers of jurisdiction Note pre-Wakim effect of the Federal Courts (State Jurisdiction) Act 1999 (NSW) Family Law Topic 8
(3) Statutory Considerations in considering what order (if any) the court shall take into account seven considerations Family Law Topic 8
(3) Statutory Considerations The ‘Top Seven’ direct or indirect financial contributions direct or indirect non-financial contributions homemaker and/or parent contributions ============================ effect of a proposed order on a party’s earning capacity the spousal maintenance matters [see s75(2)] any other order made under the FLA (affecting a party or child of the marriage) child support payments Family Law Topic 8
(3) Statutory Considerations Past (retrospective) contributions: s 79(4)(a)-(c) Future (prospective) needs [aka s 75(2) factors]: s 79(4)(d)-(g) Family Law Topic 8
(4) Past Contribution Factors (a) Financial Contributions s 79(4)(a) direct financial contribution(s) indirect financial contribution(s) (b) Gifts, compensation and windfalls gifts - donor’s intention? clear evidence of joint gift gifts to children compensation/windfalls joint contribution? Family Law Topic 8
(4) Past Contribution Factors (ba) Superannuation Pt VIIIB (ss 90MA-90MZH) and Regs Splitting orders Flagging orders Agreements ‘two pools’? (Coghlan 2005 FLC 93-220) (c) Non-financial contributions s 79(4)(b) (d) Global or asset-by-asset approach two judicial schools of thought Norbis (1986) Family Law Topic 8
(4) Past Contribution Factors (e) Homemaker and Parent Contributions s 79(4)(c) equality is equity? Mallet (1984) Ferraro (1992) & McLay (1996) is family violence relevant? .. if not: amend the Act? a negative contribution? a more significant homemaker/parent contribution? (Kennon) Family Law Topic 8
(5) Future Needs Factors (a) Earning capacity s79(4)(d) family farm/business? (b) Section 75(2) factors s79(4)(e) maintenance factors 5-15%? 10-20%? high wealth cases? Family Law Topic 8
(5) Future Needs Factors (c) Superannuation (pre-2002 reforms) financial resource for s79(4)(e) purposes it is a significant resource! Government’s retirement policy different policy types - defined benefits and accrued benefits five approaches - ‘needs’ - ‘take it into account’ - mathematical (realisable value) - deferral looks like property… feels like property? Fed. Govt’s 1998 Discussion Paper Family Law Topic 8
(5) Future Needs Factors (d) Other orders s 79(4)(f) (e) Child support s 79(4)(g) So … a final summary for s 79 Identify (and value) the property Evaluate contributions Evaluate needs Just and equitable result(?) Family Law Topic 8
(6) Setting Aside Orders Altering Property Interests Five situations miscarriage of justice impracticable default new child circumstances proceeds of crime order (also see ss 79B-79E) s 79A(1A) consent s 79A(2) third party s 79A(1B)(1C) death issues Family Law Topic 8
(6) Setting Aside Orders Altering Property Interests (a) Miscarriage of Justice s 79A(1)(a) two factors listed category miscarriage of justice Family Law Topic 8
(6) Setting Aside Orders Altering Property Interests (a) Miscarriage of Justice s 79A(1)(a) listed categories: fraud duress suppression of evidence (including failure to disclose relevant information) giving of false evidence ‘any other circumstance’ note FL Rules Family Law Topic 8
(6) Setting Aside Orders Altering Property Interests Family Law Topic 8
(6) Setting Aside Orders Altering Property Interests (b) Impracticability s 79A(1)(b) practically impossible (c) Default s 79A(1)(c) (d) Change in circumstances for child s 79A(1)(d) Also note s 79A(1AA) which defines ‘caring responsibility’ Family Law Topic 8
(7) Third Parties and Competing Claims (a) Intervention in proceedings s 92 AG intervention: s 91 (b) Corporate and other entities Ascot Investments (1981) exceptions ‘sham’ (evasion) ‘puppet’ (effective control) Now see (d) below: Pt VIIIAA (c) Competing claims Family Law Topic 8
(7) Third Parties and Competing Claims (d) Pt VIIIAA (ss 90AA-90AK) 90AE(1) - in s 79 proceedings court may: order against creditor for substitution of debtor order against creditor that the parties be liable for a different proportion of the debt owed order directed to a director of a company or to a company to register a transfer of shares from one party to the marriage to the other party. 90AE(2) - in s 79 proceedings court may make an order that: directs a third party to do a thing in relation to the property of a party to the marriage; or alters the rights, liabilities or property interests of a third party in relation to the marriage. Family Law Topic 8
(7) Third Parties and Competing Claims (d) Pt VIIIAA (ss 90AA-90AK) 90AE(3) - court may only make an order under 90AE(1)/(2) if: order is reasonably necessary etc to effect a division of property between the parties if order concerns a debt of a party to the marriage - it is not foreseeable at the time that the order is made that to make the order would result in the debt not being paid in full the third party has been accorded procedural fairness court is satisfied that, in all the circumstances, it is just and equitable to make the order court is satisfied that the order takes into account the matters mentioned in subsection (4). Family Law Topic 8
(7) Third Parties and Competing Claims 90AE(4) - the matters are as follows: taxation effect (if any) of the order on the parties to the marriage the taxation effect (if any) of the order on the third party social security effect (if any) of the order on the parties to the marriage third party's administrative costs in relation to the order if order concerns a debt of a party to the marriage - the capacity of a party to the marriage to repay the debt after the order is made the economic, legal or other capacity of the third party to comply with the order if, as a result of the third party being accorded procedural fairness in relation to the making of the order, the third party raises any other matters - those matters any other matter that the court considers relevant. Family Law Topic 8
(8) Transactions t0 Defeat Claims Section s 106B (Part XIII) power: s 106B(1)(2) third parties: s 106B(3) party in collusion: s 106B(4) *formerly s 85 Family Law Topic 8
(9) Ante-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Settlements Section 85A settlement(s) made in relation to the marriage note since FLAA 2000 definition of ‘financial agreement’ in s 4 does not include a settlement to which s 85A applies Family Law Topic 8
(10) Financial Agreements (a) Public policy arguments (b) ‘Maintenance Agreements’ (1976-2000) s 4(1) definitions(s) ss 86, 87 and 87A (maintenance and property agreements) Family Law Topic 8
(10) Financial Agreements (c) ‘Binding Financial Agreements’ (2001-) - Part VIIIA (i) what is a financial agreement - ss 4, 90A-90D (ii) when can spouses enter into one - before marriage: s 90B - during marriage: s 90C - after divorce: s 90D *may cover property and resources *may cover spousal maintenance NOTE: new s 90DA: need for a separation declaration! Family Law Topic 8
(10) Financial Agreements (iii) maintenance requirements s 90E (children)/s 90F (spouses) future support? s 90F(1A) (1) No provision of a financial agreement excludes or limits the power of a court to make an order in relation to the maintenance of a party to a marriage if subsection (1A) applies. (1A) This subsection applies if the court is satisfied that, when the agreement came into effect, the circumstances of the party were such that, taking into account the terms and effect of the agreement, the party was unable to support himself or herself without an income tested pension, allowance or benefit. (2) To avoid doubt, a provision in an agreement made as mentioned in subsection 90C(1) or 90D(1) that provides for property or financial resources owned by a party to the agreement to continue in the ownership of that party is taken, for the purposes of that section, to be a provision with respect to how the property or financial resources are to be dealt with. Family Law Topic 8
(10) Financial Agreements (iv) when agreements binding: s 90G signed by both parties statement as to independent advice by lawyer signed annexure by lawyer original (pty 1) & copy (pty 2) (v) enforcement? s 90G(2) (vi) effect of death a party: s 90H (vii) ‘termination agreement’: s 90J (ie terminating the financial agreement) Family Law Topic 8
(10) Financial Agreements (viii) setting aside agreement: s 90K obtained by fraud void, voidable, unenforceable impracticable exception of child-related hardship (ix) validity, enforceability, effect: s 90KA (x) stamp duty exemption: s 90L Also Note: ss 90M-90Q Capital gains tax Family Law Topic 8