Welcome to First Grade!
School Day 8:00 a.m. Must be in class 8:15 a.m. Mass (Mondays and Fridays) 10:00 a.m. First recess (will need volunteers) 11:25 a.m. Lunch/Recess (will need volunteers for recess 11:40-12:05) Please do not send microwaveable food this first semester. 2:40 p.m. Recess/Snack 3:30 p.m. Regular school day ends (pick up at Mary statue by 3:40 or you can pick them up from latchkey) K-2 Mass- Friday, All School Mass- Monday
Points to Ponder Website- Please check website weekly for new news and important dates and events http://www.stthomaswichita.com/school/tanner Rosary at school P.E. shoes stay at school all year- protects gym floor Service hours- pg. 8- 1hr in 1st grade-examples above and beyond expected duties at home: helping rake leave, shovel snow, donuts at Mass, usher…. Poptops- we collect poptops for Ronald McDonald House- when bag is full-send in
Do Not take anything out of the H.W. folder Homework Folders Homework folders will go home everyday and are to be returned the following school day. Do Not take anything out of the H.W. folder Monthly Newsletter (on website) Spelling list- will be on Spelling city by Tuesday and in the Agenda Highlights of what we are learning Upcoming events Weekly Homework Read and be read to! Rainbow math practice (will begin 2nd Quarter) Spelling word practice (Friday test!) PLEASE SIGN!!! Your child will be graded on homework completion Homework should take no longer than 30 minutes; if it takes longer than this please let me know and we can adjust.
Agenda Notebooks There are lots of “First’s” in first grade! We will use our agenda books as a resource guide and as an organizational tool. Weekly spelling words A.R. Tracking Daily reflections Home and School link (Behavior notes, practice tips etc.) Will go home daily – please sign and return daily-signing is confirmation you checked the agenda and homework
Reading Accelerated Reader Journeys Common Core Study spelling list on spelling city https://www.spellingcity.com/proemeling/ Assessed through S.T.A.R and placed according to reading level Reading comp., spelling, phonics, vocab. test every story (weekly) Check out my books, library books, or books from home TIER Reading Groups: Read book three times before testing! Students will be grouped according to skill level and dispersed among our resource If test is not passed, student will retake until he/she has success team for 30 minutes Monday - Thursday
Faith In Action Religion EnVision Math Faith In Action Religion A whole learning approach “Faith & Family” is the focal point in First Grade This program develops math concepts through interactive and “visual learning.” Students will strengthen their personal relationship with the Trinity Daily Cooperative Group work Make connections between prayer and our spiritual health Frequent Assessment Promotes explanatory thinking Our faith is practiced in all that we do! Reaches multiple learning modalities Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
Grading ES (Exceeds Standard)- Student able to demonstrate knowledge ABOVE GRADE LEVEL and can apply it using higher level thinking skills. MS (Meets Standard)- Student demonstrates thorough understanding of the standards ability to consistently apply it. AS (Approaching Standard)- Student is making steady progress towards master of standard. AW (Academic Warning)- Student has not reached a level of understanding of the standard
Be Respectful – Be Safe – Be Neat Expectations/Rules Be Respectful – Be Safe – Be Neat Follow Christ WWJD Classroom behavior system cards –green (3 appropriate conduct), yellow (2 warning), red (1 inappropriate conduct), blue star-star conduct Classroom Marbles-compliments, whole class behavior Three before me- self reflection, ask a friend, try to solve using kind words and appropriate measures Think Spot- quiet/safe space, reflection, Jobs/Responsibility-change every 2 weeks
We Love Learning in First Grade!!! Get ready for an amazing year!