From: The attenuation surface for contrast sensitivity has the form of a witch's hat within the central visual field Journal of Vision. 2012;12(11):23. doi:10.1167/12.11.23 Figure Legend: Comparison of the quality of the fits using the witch's hat and the samurai hat functions. RMS errors for the two fitting methods are compared against each other in a scatter plot for the three main experiments and the two control experiments. For convenience of presentation, RMS errors were capped at 3 dB (i.e., points where the RMS error was > 3 dB had this value reset to 3 dB). This was necessary for just a single point. Points on the dashed line y = x indicate results that were equally well fit by a witch's hat or a samurai hat function (usually because they were best fit by a linear function). Above-left of this line, the results were best fit by a witch's hat function, and below-right of this line the results were best fit by a samurai hat function. The histogram in the upper right shows the distribution of the differences between the witch's hat and the samurai hat RMS errors, using the same color-code as in the scatter plot. Date of download: 11/4/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.