Honors British Literature Week 2
Objectives SWBAT… Check and compile information about the Middle Ages from the web search Read a ballad from the Middle Ages Understand how to annotate a text
Summer Reading Hand in summer reading packets
Homework check Middle Ages Web Search
Medieval Ballads Poems that were sung Tells a story Popular entertainment Ballad: “Edward, Edward” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHbfY6_NqLM
More about ballads Characteristics: Tells a story Originally sung Popular entertainment Usually 4-line stanzas Usually ABCB rhyme scheme Usually 8-6-8-6 syllables Has a refrain
Annotation and Active Reading Active reading vs. Passive reading Passive reading is enjoyable, but what you read can go in and out of your mind Active reading means reading with a determination to understand and evaluate the text for its relevance to your needs What is annotation? A conversation with the text Enhances memory of the text Helps to focus attention on what matters Creates a record of your thought process while reading
Sample Annotation What sorts of annotations do you see? What other kinds of annotations could you use?
Diagnostic Essays Look over your diagnostic Guide to marks on essays—on course website Opportunity to revise and edit your diagnostic for a star
Homework Read and annotate “Barbara Allen’s Cruelty” Syllabus Quiz Thursday
Objectives SWBAT… Evaluate annotations of “Barbara Allen’s Cruelty” Practice proper use of information for sources and citations
Homework Check Take our your annotated copy of “Barbara Allen’s Cruelty”
Barbara Allen’s Cruelty What themes from the Middle Ages can we see in this ballad? What common characteristics of a ballad does it follow?
Evaluating Annotations Trade annotated poems with a classmate Use the rubric to evaluate your classmate’s annotations
Evaluating Annotations What were some positive qualities you observed in annotations? What are some things about annotation that are difficult for you or your partner?
Using Information from a Text Summary vs Paraphrase vs Quotation When should you use each? Parenthetical Citations Look like (author’s name page #). When do you need an in-text parenthetical citation?
Social Classes Article Read the article about social classes in the Middle Ages Imagine that this was a source for a research project. Select 2 quotations and 2 sections to paraphrase. Write them out, including correct citations.
Article Review Quotes should look like this: “Sentence” (“Social Classes” 84). Paraphrases should like this: Sentence (“Social Classes” 84).
Article Review What did you learn about social classes in the Middle Ages? Nobility Peasants Townspeople Clergy
Social Classes: Roles Everyone will get a social class to learn more about Homework is to watch a video that will teach you about your class Peasants: Terry Jones’s Medieval Lives: The Peasant Nobility: Terry Jones’s Medieval Lives: The Knight Clergy: Terry Jones’s Medieval Lives: The Monk Women: Terry Jones’s Medieval Lives: The Damsel Write down at least 5 interesting or important things you learned from the video
Homework Watch video/write down facts Syllabus Quiz Thursday
Objectives SWBAT… Demonstrate understanding of course objectives and policies Learn about the Magna Carta and negotiate a class charter Teach classmates about social classes Use KWL charts to identify areas for further investigation
Syllabus Quiz
The Magna Carta http://www.bl.uk/magna-carta/articles/magna- carta-an-introduction
The Magna Carta What was it? When was it made? Why was it made? Why was it important?
Our Magna Carta You are rebel barons (students) concerned that the king (the teacher) will overstep his (her) power. You must work together to decide your terms. You are allowed to choose 3 conditions that you would like from the teacher this year in exchange for your loyalty. What conditions will you ask for? Remember, if your terms are not reasonable, the teacher will either negotiate or reject the whole charter and continue on with absolute power.
Social Classes We will work in groups with one representative from each medieval social class Share what you learned about your social class with the rest of your group
Middle Ages KWL Know: Write 3 things that you have learned about the Middle Ages that you do not want to forget Want to know: Write 3 questions that you still have or things that you are confused about Learned: Use reliable web sources to try to find answers to your questions or clarify your confusion.
Homework Finish your KWL chart
“Helen of Kirkconnel” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRBRznHQPe0 Meaning: What is the poem literally saying? Response: What do we think about what the poem is saying? Connections: How does this poem connect to other things we know? Analysis: What poetic devices are there, and how do they affect the poem?
“Helen of Kirkconnel” Keeping in mind the different types of annotations, annotate your copy. Annotations will be collected.