¿Qué decimos en la clase? Discuten con compaÑero/a Unidad 1 – Mi héroe
Tell your students to listen to the music.
Tell your students to take out some paper.
Tell your students to form groups of 4.
Tell your students to put up the books.
Tell your students to take out a pen.
Ask your students how to say “red” in Spanish.
Tell a student to be quiet and raise his hand.
Tell your students to study with a partner.
Tell your students to form groups of 5.
Tell your students to put up the dictionaries.
Ask your students if they have questions on the homework.
Ask your students if they have any questions.
Tell a student to stand up.
Tell your students to sit down and take out their homework.
Tell your students to talk to a partner.
Ask a student where her homework is.
Tell your students to work with 2 partners.
Tell your students to turn in the test.
Tell your students to work with a partner.
Ask your students if they are ready for the test.
Greet your students and ask them how they are today.
Tell your students to form groups of 4 people.
Ask a student where the dictionary is.
Tell your students to take out their notebooks.
Tell your students to turn in their projects.
Tell your students to take out a pencil.
Tell your students to take out their vocabulary.
Tell a student to sit down please.
Ask a student if she has the homework.
Tell your students to speak louder please.
Ask a student if he as his book.
Tell a student to sit down and study.
Ask a student if she has her backpack.
Ask your students how to say “hello” in Spanish.
Tell your students to turn in the homework.
Tell at student to speak Spanish please.
Ask a new student what her name is.
Tell your students to study for 5 minutes.
Ask your neighbor if they have a marker.
Tell your teacher you don’t have the homework today.
Ask your teacher how to say “tomorrow” in Spanish.
Ask your teacher to go to the bathroom.
Ask your teacher if you all have a test today.
Ask your teacher where the dictionaries are.
Tell your teacher you are not ready for the test.
Ask your teacher if you all can work with a partner.
Ask your teacher to use her scissors.
Tell your teacher you can’t speak Spanish because you are sick.
Ask your teacher what “cartel” means.
Ask your partner if they understand the homework.
Tell your teacher you don’t understand the homework.
Tell your teacher you don’t understand number 10.
Ask your teacher what “gabinete” means.
Tell your teacher you don’t have your book today.
Tell your teacher you don’t remember anything.
Tell your teacher you don’t have a partner.
Ask your teacher where the pencil sharpener is.
Ask your teacher if you all have homework today.
Ask your teacher where the bathroom is.
Ask your neighbor what his name is.
Ask your neighbor if they have the homework.
Ask a classmate when the test is.
Tell your teacher you have a question.
Tell your teacher that you need a dictionary.
Tell your teacher you need to study.
Tell your teacher that you can’t speak much Spanish.
Ask your teacher to go to the clinic.
Ask your teacher if you all can sing today.
Ask your teacher if you all can listen to music.
Ask your teacher if she is stressed out.
Ask your teacher if he is mad.
Ask your teacher to go to the counselor’s office.
Ask your teacher to go to the water fountain.