Helping you prevent cyberbullying Privacy Victims Helping on Preventing YAPPY Effects Summary Bystander Sources Tips Helping you prevent cyberbullying Victims Sebastian Ortiz, Mayuri Nagpal, Zara Zeigerman, Ethan Zang End
Keep your privacy! Cyber Privacy Keeping cyber privacy is the best way to prevent cyberbullying It denies any opportunity for a cyberbully to obtain your personal information and bully you Keep your privacy!
Y.A.P.P.Y - Things You Should Not Give Out Your name Address Password Phone number Your plans
Don't Be a Bystander! Bystander- A person who watches the bullying happen but doesn't do anything to help. Bystanders do not do anything to help the victim.
Bystander Tips If you know who the bully is, tell the bully to stop If you know who the bully is, tell the bully to stop Comfort the victim the best way you can Tell a trusted adult Don't try to take revenge on the bully
Examples of Victims A girl had websites about her that were called "Kill Kylie Incorporated". These websites had hurtful things about Kylie.
Examples of Victims A girl started to chat a "friend" on MySpace, and later found out that this "friend" were a group of kids and adults humiliating her. She later commited suicide
Effects of Cyberbullying Cyberbullying may lead to suicide May lead to depression It can cause bad emotions Leads to low self esteem
Summarization of Cyberbullying If bullied tell a trusted adult Remember to always use Y.A.P.P.Y If you are a bystander, try to comfort the victim anyway you can Don't try to take revenge on the bully
Cyber bullying hurts