Safety Review
Lift the far edge of the cover first When uncovering a pan, to avoid burns from escaping steam, you should do what? Lift the far edge of the cover first
What does the Acronym FIFO stand for? First in First Out
Raw or uncooked eggs, poultry, or meat can cause illness because they often carry which bacteria? Salmonella
Food may be safely thawed using which methods? Microwave Refrigerator Sink in cold running water
Never keep perishable food at room temperature any longer than……? 2 Hours
Food will often look, smell, and taste ________even though they are contaminated. Normal
What temperature do we reheat foods to?
Some food borne illnesses are not caused by the bacteria themselves but by the poisons, or________________, that the bacteria produce. TOXINS
When a fire starts in a pan on top of a range, you should first turn off the heat, and put out the fire by using what methods? Covering the pan Salt Baking SODA
When unplugging an appliance grasp the __________and pull gently
What is botulism and how can you prevent it? Anaerobic bacteria found in improperly canned foods Can be prevented by heating canned goods at 212 F for at least 20 min.
Wash utensils, containers, and work surfaces _____and _____they come into contact with raw or cooked meat and poultry. Before and After
You should wash your hands vigorously for a minimum of ____________ to practice proper hand washing. 20 seconds
Should ground beef be cooked to a higher temperature than a steak? Yes !
You should maintain a refrigerator temperature of what and a freezer temperature of what? Freezer below 0
The “danger zone” refers to temperatures of _________________ at which bacteria multiply rapidly. 40 degrees F – 140 degrees F
What are some examples of Chemical Hazards? Pesticides Detergents Sanitizers
What is the collective name for tiny living creatures visible only through a microscope Microorganisms
If you do not wash your hands after blowing your nose or cough or sneeze while handling food you could spread what? Staph Bacteria
Heavy pots and pans should be stored where? On low shelves
If you have an open wound on your hands, you should wear what when handling foods? Gloves