The Value of Collaboration Examples from Kinark Child and Family Services
ICES collaboration
Value Enhances knowledge of service areas Demographics Clinical information Service utilization patterns Helps identify service delivery needs Variation in service use by service area Gaps in use Validates existing data e.g., York client profile
York Client Profile
Background Lead agency in 3 service areas Four priorities: York Durham Haliburton/Kawartha Lakes/Peterborough Four priorities: Strengthening engagement Understanding client and service needs Validating the service landscape Strengthening core service delivery
Background Priority #2 started with the development of a client profile Who are we serving? Are they representative of the broader population? The first client profile was completed for the York service area in March 2016 8 core service providers (CSPs) 1,824 clients referred during 2013/14 fiscal year
About York In 2011, York was made up of 1.03 million people Population Aged 25-64 with University Degree In 2011, York was made up of 1.03 million people 75% lived southern York Region When moving from north to south, there is greater population density rising education levels more variability in income smaller proportion of lone parent families increased racial and linguistic diversity Source: Regional Municipality of York and Statistics Canada Census of Population and National Household Survey (2011)
CYMH Agencies & All our Kids Family Drop in Centres, York Region Bus Routes, York Region Public Transit CYMH Agencies Drop in Centres
CYMH referrals versus York Population Percentage of CYMH Referrals by Municipality Percentage of 0-18 Population by Municipality
Age Structure: CYMH Referrals versus York Residents 0 to 6 7 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 18 Community-based services 15% 21% 37% 27% Acute/outpatient services 30% 18% 28% 24% York Population 33% 17% 20% Whereas males are more likely to access both community and acute health services in childhood, female clients are far more likely to access the same services during adolescence.
Overall, CYMH referrals are more likely to be male; however, the gender composition of the client population varies by agency.
BCFPI Results by Agency Percentage of Referrals Scoring in the Borderline/Clinical Range Overall n=756, Blue Hills n=331, Kinark n=326, York Centre n=100
Considerations Relationship/trust building Building a common vision Transparency Collaborative approach Building a common vision Recognizing a need for evidence-informed planning and decision-making Identifying the practical implications of this knowledge Variability in resources by agency Research ethics Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Where do we go from here? Initiated conversations about outreach for underserved populations how to capture sensitive information (e.g., gender identities, ethnicities) identifying common data needs Continue to work with ICES & CSPs to enhance knowledge of in-need population and service use identify service delivery needs