David Montanari / Johan Bremer Jun 11, 2015 Rev. 1 WA104 & WA105 P&IDs David Montanari / Johan Bremer Jun 11, 2015 Rev. 1
Outline WA104 WA105 1x1x3 Summary Cryogenic design status P&IDs Requirements Modes of operation 3D modeling What’s next Summary Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
Cryogenics Design Status The WA104 Cryogenics has been preliminarily divided between CERN and Fermilab: CERN Proximity Cryogenics (LAr filtration, Ar Condenser, LAr recirculation pump and associated piping and instrumentation). Fermilab External Cryogenics (LAr/LN2 receiving facilities, LAr/LN2 transfer lines and GAr/GN2 returns). WA104 Internal Cryogenics (inside the cryostat). Preliminary P&IDs have been drawn (based on the previous ICARUS configuration) to facilitate the discussion. Exact division of responsibilities is being discussed. Deliverables (with cost and schedule) are being prepared and will be discussed. Interface documents for the various parts will need to be prepared and discussed. Components need to be sized (will start with existing values). 3D modeling can then start. Components will be skid mounted and cold tested, ready for installation and final connections on the field. Pipe sections may be prefab and cold tested, ready for installation and final connections on the field. Need to look at available components and decide what can be reused (LAr pumps, maybe vessels?). Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
PRELIMINARY P&ID Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
PRELIMINARY P&ID Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
PRELIMINARY P&ID Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
Other activities LAr Purification media: We are making preparations to test the copper beds used by Fermilab in LAPD/LBNE 35 ton prototype (and MicroBooNE and LArIAT) at CERN with the small ICARUS prototype. The test will provide feedback on achievable purity, Oxygen absorption capacity, regen time and size of the vessels needed for ICARUS. If the test is successful it will be possible to replace the Oxysorb with the copper beds and sizing of the LAr filters can start. Thermal design of the cold shields: We are fabricating the test setup to test the thermal design of the cold shields. If the test is successful, the mechanical design (by others) can start. Existing ICARUS cryo-piping components: Marco G. will prepare a test setup to test the LN2 pumps and do the necessary maintenance as needed. If time allows, he will also look at the status of the cryo-valves and if they are re-usable or they need to be replaced. Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
∆T ≤ 500 mK L ≤ 472 mm 4.0 mm of thickness Orthogonal radiation flux: 20 W/m2 Uniform inner radius temperature Drawings/Pictures have different scales Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
WA105 1x1x3
Requirements To serve all modes of operations (list in next slide). To purify the LAr at a rate of ~25 l/m (2 volume changes/day). To recondense and purify the boil off gas (static heat leak 0.66 kW + piping + electronics + LAr pump). To not exceed 50 K of delta T between any two points in the detector during commissioning. To use, whenever possible, the existing components made available by the WA105 collaboration, if suitable for the work (GAr purifiers, GAr circulation blower, Mass Flow Controller, GAr sample blower, ...). To design, procure and construct a system that will run for ~6 months. To be able to pump down the cryogenic system prior to the beginning of cryogenic operations. To maintain a constant pressure inside the tank: 20 mBarg +/- 50 mBarg. To cool down the cryostat and TPC in less than 1 month. To handle LAr/GAr, LN2/GN2 to support all modes of operations and needs of WA105. To bring LN2/GN2 from outlet of condenser to top of the cryostat to cool down loops in electronic boards (T, P, Flow to be defined). Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
Modes of Operation Purge in open loop. Purge in closed loop. Cool down Filling Normal operations (and Regeneration) Emptying Warming-up Pump down prior to start up Pressure control Note: We have incorporated as many features as possible from the LAPD/LBNE 35 ton prototype. At the same time, this cryogenic system incorporates features that are not currently present in designs of future projects (such as a commercial getters as GAr Purifier 1 and 2) Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
Preliminary P&ID Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
Preliminary P&ID (with items supplied by WA105) Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
3D modeling (in progress) – Building 182 Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
3D modeling (in progress) – Side view Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
What’s next Completion of the sizing of the piping and vessels and identification of the components. Verification of the cool down parameters (Flow rates and P). We have started with the LBNE 35 ton cool down values, which are a good starting point given the similarities. But this tank has a different geometry and a detector inside. Values need to be verified and updated, if necessary (by others). Completion of the 3D modeling of the cryogenic system and integration in Building 182 Preparation of the technical specifications for the final design and fabrication of the cryogenic piping and valve boxes. Purchase expensive materials (cryo-valves) and custom components (LAr filtering material) and supply them to manufacturer. Fabrication of the warm piping in house. Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs
Summary Preliminary P&IDs have been drawn and will serve as basis for the discussion on responsibilities and deliverables between Fermilab, CERN and WA104. Sizing of components and 3D modeling can then start. We are making preparations to test the copper beds at CERN to evaluate absorption capacity and size of the LAr filters that would be needed for the ICARUS cryostat. The thermal design of the cold shields has been performed and will soon be tested at the Cryolab. If successful the mechanical design of the cold shields (by others) can start. Work on WA105 1x1x3 cryogenic system in progress: Preliminary P&IDs have been drawn (starting from LAPD/LBNE 35 ton). Sizing of piping has started. 3D modeling has started. After completion of ongoing tasks, preparation of WA105 1x1x3 technical specifications for final design and fabrication of cryogenic piping and vessels by external vendor and fabrication of warm piping in house. Jun 11, 2015 WA104-WA105 P&IDs