Macbeth Jeopardy Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5 Q 2 XP Q 2 XP Q 2 XP Character Relationships Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5 Q 2 XP Q 2 XP Q 2 XP Q 2 XP Q 2 XP Q 2 XP Q 3 XP Q 3 XP Q 3 XP Q 3 XP Q 3 XP Q 3 XP Q 4 XP Q 4 XP Q 4 XP Q 4 XP Q 4 XP Q 4 XP Q 5 XP Q 5 XP Q 5 XP Q 5 XP Q 5 XP Q 5 XP Q 6 XP Q 6 XP Q 6 XP Q 6 XP Q 6 XP Q 6 XP Final Jeopardy
2 XP Question from Character Relationships How many sons does King Duncan have What are their names?
2 XP Answer from Character Relationships Two Malcolm and Donalbain
3 XP Question from Character Relationships Who is: Thane of Glamis Thane of Cawdor And King All in the play Macbeth
3 XP Answer from Character Relationships Macbeth
4 XP Question from Character Relationships Who’s family does Macbeth have murdered?
4 XP Answer from Character Relationships Macduff’s family
5 XP Question from Character Relationships Who commands the three witches? (Who is their boss?)
5 XP Answer from Character Relationships Hecate
6 XP Question from Character Relationships Name the three characters that are King in the play Macbeth in order.
6 XP Answer from Character Relationships Duncan Macbeth Malcolm
2 XP Question from Act 1 In Act one, which Thane is sentenced to death for being a traitor?
2 XP Answer from Act 1 The Thane of Cawdor
3 XP Question from Act 1 What do the Weird Sisters (witches) predict for Banquo’s future?
3 XP Answer from Act 1 That his sons will be King, even though he wont.
4 XP Question from Act 1 Who says, “Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires,” in Act One? What is he talking about?
4 XP Answer from Act 1 Macbeth His new plans to murder Duncan
5 XP Question from Act 1 In Act 1, does Macbeth want to kill Duncan before he talks to his wife?
5 XP Answer from Act 1 Nope! She has to talk him into it. He would rather wait and see if “fate” would crown him king later.
6 XP Question from Act 1 How does Lady Macbeth convince Macbeth to Kill King Duncan?
6 XP Answer from Act 1 She calls him un-manly and berates him.
2 XP Question from Act 2 In the beginning of Act 2, when Banquo asks if Macbeth has been thinking more about what the witches said, how does Macbeth answer?
2 XP Answer from Act 2 He lies and says that he hasn’t thought about it any more
3 XP Question from Act 2 Why didn’t Lady Macbeth kill Duncan herself, according to her?
3 XP Answer from Act 2 He looked like her father.
4 XP Question from Act 2 After Macbeth kills Duncan, he goes to Lady Macbeth and is concerned about not being able to say "Amen." What is her advice to him?
4 XP Answer from Act 2 They shouldn't think about it or it will make them crazy
5 XP Question from Act 2 At the end of Act 2, who was knocking to enter the Castle? Who answered the door for them?
5 XP Answer from Act 2 Macduff and Lennox were at the gate The Porter
6 XP Question from Act 2 What did Macduff discover at the end of Act 2? Where do Malcolm and Donalbain go? What happens to the drunk/sleeping servants?
6 XP Answer from Act 2 Duncan’s body To England and Ireland Macbeth kills them too
2 XP Question from Act 3 Why does Macbeth want Banquo and Fleance dead?
2 XP Answer from Act 3 He thinks Banquo suspects that he murdered Duncan And to Keep their prophecy from happening
3 XP Question from Act 3 When the murderers fail to kill both Banquo and Fleance, Macbeth says, "The worm that's fled Hath nature that in time will venom breed, No teeth for the present." What does that mean?
3 XP Answer from Act 3 He thinks that Fleance will be a problem in the future
4 XP Question from Act 3 Who (what) did Macbeth see at the banquet table? What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for his actions?
4 XP Answer from Act 3 Banquo’s Ghost That Macbeth has had these fits since he was a child
5 XP Question from Act 3 Macbeth says, "I am in blood Stepped in so far that should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er." What does he mean?
5 XP Answer from Act 3 He has gone too far to go back now
6 XP Question from Act 3 In Act 3, who says, “I do forget. Do not muse at me, my most worthy friends. I have a strange infirmity, which is nothing To those that know me. Come, love and health to all. Then I’ll sit down. Give me some wine. Fill full.” Who is he talking to?
6 XP Answer from Act 3 Macbeth Everyone except for Malcom - England Donalbain - Ireland Macduff – Fife (his home) Banquo – dead on the road Fleance – running on the road
2 XP Question from Act 4 Act 4 Witch 2 says, "By the pricking of my thumb, Something wicked this way comes." Who comes?
2 XP Answer from Act 4 Macbeth
3 XP Question from Act 4 Macbeth says (about the witches), "Infected be the air whereon they ride, And damned all those that trust them!" What is he saying about himself?
3 XP Answer from Act 4 That he is damned for listening to them
4 XP Question from Act 4 Why does Macbeth have Macduff's family and servants killed?
4 XP Answer from Act 4 He wants to Lure Macduff back from England The witches told him to fear Macduff
5 XP Question from Act 4 DOUBLE JEOPARDY Name the Four Visions given to Macbeth, in order of appearance
5 XP Answer from Act 4 Macduff is a threat – a bloody Crown No man of woman born – A child Birnam Forest must come to Dunsinane castle for Macbeth to fall – a boy with a branch All of Banquo’s sons will still be Kings
6 XP Question from Act 4 What news does Ross bring to Macduff? What does Macduff decide he needs to do?
6 XP Answer from Act 4 That all of Macduff’s family has been murdered To kill Macbeth
2 XP Question from Act 5 What do the doctor and gentlewoman see Lady Macbeth doing? What do they decide to do about it?
2 XP Answer from Act 5 She is sleepwalking and talking about the murders. They decide to keep an eye on her, but not say anything.
3 XP Question from Act 5 What trick does Malcom use to hide the number of men in his army?
3 XP Answer from Act 5 He has them use tree branches as camouflage
4 XP Question from Act 5 Malcom says, "And none serve with him but constrained things Whose hearts are absent, too." What does that mean?
4 XP Answer from Act 5 Macbeth's armies are there in body but not spirit, and should be easy to defeat
5 XP Question from Act 5 Who first fights Macbeth? What happens?
5 XP Answer from Act 5 Young Siward, and he is killed
6 XP Question from Act 5 When does Macbeth know he's in trouble? How does Macbeth Die? Who will be king?
6 XP Answer from Act 5 Macduff tells him he was taken from his mother's womb instead of being "born of woman.” Macduff cuts off his head Malcolm
Essay Options Compare and contrast Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Explain the role of witches, ghosts, and visions in Macbeth. What are the main conflicts in the play, and how are they resolved? Defend your stance, is Macbeth mad or are there actually ghosts and witches?
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Tolstoy? (The book is Kingdom of God)