Tuberculosis Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Mures County, Romania (2004-2013) Gabriela Jimborean1, Roxana Nemes2, Paraschiva Postolache3, Oxana Popa4, Edith S. Ianosi1 1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Clinic of Pulmonology, Targu Mures; 2. University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest 3. University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Rehabilitation Respiratory Clinic Iasi, ACCP governor for Romania, 4. Hearth Institute, Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic Cluj, Romania 6. Age distribution 10. HIV infection severity 13. Episodes of active TB – 28.5% relapses 1. Rationale Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a well-known major risk factor for tuberculosis (TB). The growth of HIV epidemic worldwide including in Romania after 1990 has determined a dramatic rise of new TB cases. Severe HIV induced immunosuppression produces marked changes in location, clinical evolution, bacteriology, drug resistance and prognostic of TB. Despite the important decrease of TB endemic in Romania (in the last years) there is a slight increase in TB-HIV co-infection compared to previous years. Header IDU - 2 Adults - heterosexual HIV transmision 7. Life conditions, people sharing the domicile 14. Drug resistance No. of cases Resistance to 1 major drug 2 Resistance to 2 major drugs 8 Resistance to 3 drugs 1 Resistance to 4 drugs Resistance ˃ 4 drugs 10 11. Types of extrapulmonary TB 2. Aim of the study and method - Retrospective study on 70 patients with TB disease and HIV infection 2004 - 2013, Mureş County, Romania – epidemiology, clinical status, treatment, evolution. - To bring attention to the gravity of dual disease cases and over special measures that they require 24% EP TB 8. Primary / secondary TB 3. Global TB incidence in Romania [1] Conclusions - Most of the patients suffering from TB and HIV infection are from rural area and lived in very poor condition - Patients with AIDS were prone to develop severe TB - The age group with higher incidence of dual disease was between 14 – 25 yo which causes a severe impact on the level of schooling and subsequent social evolution - Extrapulmonary TB was more frequent in HIV group (24% versus 5% in non HIV patients) [1] - TB with HIV/AIDS is more likely to have complications, relapses, treatment failure, drug resistance and a high rate of fatality - There is a constant search and concern for IDU which have risk for HIV and TB - It is important to search every patient with TB for HIV infection and every patients with HIV for TB infection/disease -The control of the high magnitude of the TB endemic in Romania has to intensify the fight against poverty and HIV endemic control inhabitants 12. TB Complications (31.4%) 4. Frequency of HIV inf. in TB pts. in Romania [2, 3] IDU in HIV + 3% - 2010 29% - 2012 9. Pulmonary/extrapulmonary TB Header 2010 – 159 IDU + HIV 30.8% had also TB, HCV 5. Sex Distribution, environment ( our study) 54.3% of pts required prolonged treatment (9 and 21 mo) 35.7% of pts had poor compliance to treatment with dose omissions or abandon even if the entire antiTB activity, home, food are free and other social aids (sick leave) are granted National Committee against AIDS , Eur CDC Stockholm National Program for TB control and prevention 2015 - 2020 National Strategic Plan for Control TB and fight against MDR 2015 - 2020 Any commercial support of the original research presented, any financial interests held by the first, last and corresponding author