Welcome to Indian Trail Choir Ms. Josephine Beckmann jbeckman@psd202.org https://itmschoirblog.wordpress.com/
Important Information Choir meets every OTHER DAY for fifty-five minutes Start with warm-ups Physical Vocal Critical Thinking Music Theory Rhythms Reading notes on the staff Tempo/Dynamics Sight Reading Team Building Music
Classroom Policies Behavior Expectations: Classroom Policies Some positive behaviors that will help the choir include: A positive attitude A willingness to work with others A listening ear Proper body position for singing Proper concert etiquette A mouth free from gum or food Consequences for inappropriate behavior are: Warning Seat change Parent Contact Lunch Detention/Conference with Student Office Referral Classroom Policies Participating in ensembles requires dedication and effort. Success is determined by a student’s participation and attitude. Because choir is a team effort, it is essential each student participates actively. All Plainfield middle schools abide by the guidelines and expectations stated in the Code of Conduct. Students represent their school and district during trips and contests. Public performances are special opportunities and must be handled with the utmost professionalism. Classroom Expectations: Be Respectful: to yourself and others (including the teacher) Be Responsible: for your actions and with materials Be Involved: be on time and bring a pencil, highlighter and spiral notebook to class every day
Daily Performance Grades Daily performance accounts for 30% of a student’s overall grade. Each day a student has the opportunity to earn five daily performance points. These points align with the expectations for each choral rehearsal and will be assigned using the following rubric: It is expected that students will come to class prepared, with a pencil and spiral notebook. Failure to come prepared to class will result in lost participation points for the day. If a student misses a day of school they will be excused from that day’s participation points. 5 Points -Participates fully and attentively Displays correct posture at all times while singing 4 Points – Participates in rehearsal with minor attention lapses Displays correct posture most of the time while singing 3 Points – Involved in rehearsal but is frequently distracted Displays correct posture inconsistently 2 Points -Infrequently involved in rehearsal and off task a majority of time Infrequently displays correct posture 1 Points -Involvement in rehearsal is negligible Posture incorrectly displayed 0 Points – No involvement in rehearsal No correct posture displayed even after warning from director
Concert Attendance/Uniform ALL CONCERT ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED! Only in extreme emergency and illness will a student be excused. Students will have a makeup assignment to complete in order get the points for the missed assignments 6th Grade: November 28th, March 7th and May 15th are REQUIRED CONCERTS!!! Students must wear black on the bottom with plain white on top, with black shoes. 7th Grade: November 28th, March 7th and May 15th are REQUIRED CONCERTS!! Students must wear all black, with black shoes. 8th Grade: October 18th, October 24th, November 28th, February 24th, March 7th, and May 15th are REQUIRED concerts Students will be wearing robes, with black on the bottom and white on top, with black shoes.
SCOLA and Field Trips Scola is the 7th and 8th grade auditioned group. We had auditions in the spring. We had our first rehearsals this week. Rehearsals for Scola will be during study hall. Students have already received a rehearsal schedule for 1st semester for Scola rehearsals/performances! We will be taking several field trips Recruitment to the elementary schools Barnes and Noble performance on December 12th ~ further info to come! Music in the Parks in May
On Thursday, November 9th, we will be going to see School of Rock at the Cadillac Palace Theater in Chicago Permission forms will distributed NEXT WEEK! $100.00, includes transportation on a coach bus, dinner at Rainforest Café and the show ticket. We will leave at 3:30pm and be back at school by 11:00pm. WE DO HAVE SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY!!! This trip is NOT required, but voluntary. We will need chaperones (approximately 30). If you are interested, please indicate on your child’s permission form. The cost for each chaperone is $100.00
How to sign up ~ Send a text to 81010 Remind101 How to sign up ~ Send a text to 81010 In the message part, put in the following codes, depending on what grade student you have. 6th Grade: @feb274 7th Grade: @cg8k2 8th Grade: @362bh Scola: @hcfd2 I will be using this for reminders for the concerts and standard message rates do apply. After tonight, I will send out a Remind101, welcoming you.
Contact Information Ms. Josephine Beckmann Director of Choirs, Indian Trail Middle School jbeckman@psd202.org https://itmschoirblog.wordpress.com/ Any questions?
6th Grade General Music How Music Began All Types of ‘Phones’ Music of the World Africa Latin America Asia Rhythmic Notation Drumming Ensembles Teacher-Led Student-Led Rhythm Compositions Make Your Own Instrument