Work Plan for WP10 and WP11 Leuven, 29 January 2007 Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Work Plan for WP10 and WP11 Leuven, 29 January 2007
ECOST Problem Depletion of coastal and marine resources Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Problem Depletion of coastal and marine resources Focus Fishing practices and public policies Purpose Better management of aquatic resources Restoration of marine ecosystems (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, 2002) Output New method for the evaluation of fishing activities and policies (‘societal cost’) Impact Sustainable development of coastal zones in developing countries Activities Study of the weaknesses of existing approaches Construction and validation of ECOST model Comparative analysis of societal costs Definition of policy options
Work package 10 Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven WP10.1 / Analysis of present-day public policies for fisheries management, of their sustainability and of their national-international interactions WP10.1.1.2 / Inventory of national fisheries policies and of actors involved in the policy field for Senegal, Cuba and Thailand WP10.2 / Analysis of the coherence between national fishery policies and the post-1992 policies for environment and natural resources protection (Senegal, Cuba, Thailand) WP10.1.1.1 / Inventory of the institutional and legal framework for fisheries management at international and regional level WP10.1.2 / Assessment of existing public policies vs. WSSD Plan of Implementation WP10.1.1 / Assessment of the existing policy context for fishery at international, regional and national scale, and of the interactions between the three levels WP10.3 / Assessment of the impact of CCRF and similar tools on national policy-making WP10.3.2 / Transposition and impact of other international rules/tools on national policy making WP10.3.1 / Transposition and impact of CCRF on national policy making
Research questions Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven To what extent are developing countries succeeding in the implementation of the WSSD objectives? Have they developed national instruments in accordance with the prescriptions of the WSSD Plan of Implementation (‘policy outputs’)? Have these instruments functioned as intended (‘policy outcomes’)? Eventually, which could be the reasons explaining an ‘implementation deficit’? Can policy clashes explain such a gap between objectives set at the international level and national outcomes (‘policy coherence’)? Have the CCSF affected the behaviour and policy-making of national governments? What lessons can be suggested in order to improve and accelerate the path towards sustainable fishery policies (WP11)?
Conceptual framework Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven International regime Regime WSSD objectives CCSF … Policy Implementation Implementation Implementation deficit Policy coherence Domestic policy implementation of international regimes Implementation theory Joint policy-making studies International regimes theory Adaptation from literature on EU compliance
Methodology Policy achievement analysis Policy execution analysis Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven WSSD Plan of Implementation on oceans, seas and their living resources Clarification of policy objectives ‘goal function’ Empirical data from case studies State-of-the-art of current fishery policy: policy outputs and policy outcomes achieved, and relationship ‘causal function’ Level of achievement: implementation failure vs. policy effectiveness ‘accomplishment function’ Causes Implementation theory EU compliance studies International policy-formation (x1) Target groups (x4) Policy content (x2) Implementation pattern (x3) Domestic policy implementation Policy achievement analysis Policy execution analysis Policy recommendations WP7, WP8
International policy-formation (x1) Theoretical model Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Policy content (x2) “Internal policy clarity” Policy objectives Causal assumption Definition of the implementation framework “External dimension” Policy coherence Changes to the system Policy field Policy environment International policy-formation (x1) Domestic policy implementation national transposition of international obligations strict administrative implementation Target groups (x4) Interactive governance Attitude of policy collectivity Implementation pattern (x3) Inter-organizational coordination Vertical integration Leadership Institutional disposition Resource availability (financial and human)
WSSD Plan of Implementation Policy objectives Expected outputs Expected outcomes UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982-1994) Agenda 21 (Rio, 1992) Reykjavik Declaration on Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem (2001) Policy coordination Stock restoration UN Fish Stocks Agreement (1995-2001) Agreement about Fishing Vessels on the High Seas (1993) Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishery (1995) and International Plans of Action Jakarta Mandate Marine Protected Areas Ecosystem approach Integrated management United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio, 1992) Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio, 1992) Decision V / 6 Participatory governance Fisheries control Aquaculture
Open issues Next steps Gianluca Ferraro Public Management Institute Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Open issues Next steps