Welcome! Mr. Bonin Algebra 2 Room 013
Agenda: August 17, 2016 Introduction Syllabus Policies and Procedures Reminder of Homework
Course Procedures & Expectations: Algebra 2 Teacher: Mr. Bonin Extra Help: Daily 7:00-7:25 a.m. Email: lbonin@tfd215.org Room: 013 Expectations: Come Prepared ~ Show up for class with all the necessary tools from learning. Study , Learn , Grow~ Attitude is everything. Be optimistic and ask for help if you need it. My Number 1 Rule ~ I expect RESPECT. I have earned it.
Moodle Search Bonin You will find the syllabus and home letter. http://moodle.tfd215.org/ Search Bonin You will find the syllabus and home letter. Anything we do in class is on Moodle. Absent , go to Moodle. Start using it today.
Algebra 2 Materials for class: Everyday!!!! ER-DAY Pen/Pencil Notebook (or paper for notes) and folder TI-84 GRAPHING calculator (Discuss) Textbook You need a Steno Notebook by Monday I do not GIVE anything…..
Homework/Classwork Policies: Homework/classwork will be assigned daily. Unexcused students or students with no homework will receive a 0. Excused absences will be allowed an extra day to complete assignments. Please hand in H.W. when you return. Students are responsible for obtaining missed work. Moodle , other students, not ME first please. Unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up classwork or homework. Any missed quiz or exam must be made up in 5 school days or the grade is zero.
Algebra 2 Grading: Homework/Classwork: 30% Assessments: 70% Quizzes and Exams
Tardy Policy: Step 1: Warning (ParentContact) Step 2: Two-hour Detention Step 3: Three-hour Detention Step 4: In-School Suspension Step 5: Out of School Suspension or community service plus possible removal from class
What is a Tardy? Show examples What will happen with electronic tech in Bonin’s class? Show Examples Other Questions??????
Assignment Alg2 Print out Letter Home and sign by Monday, August 25 BEFORE 3:05 p.m. This is worth 5 points. See me if there are issues with Moodle.Please
Assignment Alg2 On Moodle watch Video and Send me a paragraph Video summary #1. 5 pts and Due Monday August 25 at 3:05 pm.
1.) My favorite memory from summer was… Finish each sentence below. Put serious thought into your answers because I will be reading these as one way of getting to know you. Later, I will read you my responses to these questions. Your grade for this activity will be based on complete sentences and thoughtfulness to your responses. 1.) My favorite memory from summer was… 2.) If I could go anywhere or do anything, I would go or do… 3.) I really like to… 4.) I don't like to… 5.) When I'm in math class I feel… 6.) I would like to get involved in _________________ at school this year because… 7.) One goal I will set for myself this school year is…