Electronic Communications
Types of Electronic Communications Chatting Blogs Podcasting Discussion Boards Text Messaging E-mail
Chat Talking in real-time to other network users from all parts of the world. What are the pros and cons of chatting? What are the types of chats? What are the examples of various chat programs?
Blog Web logs or blogs are web-based journals. Often used by individuals or groups to maintain a record of thoughts, pictures, and interests. Have you ever responded to a blog? If so what was the topic? Was it easy? How did it work?
Podcasting A method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically by subscription, usually at no cost. Used largely for audio files. Podcasts can be audio or video.
Discussion Boards or Forums An online bulletin board where users can receive feedback from posted messages Two types of discussion boards: Moderated An administrator or moderator ensure the discussion stays on topic and conforms to netiquette rules Unmoderated No administrator or moderator, which may allow discussion to degenerate
Text Messaging Sending short text messages to a mobile device Typically used for messages that are no longer than a few hundred characters
e-Mail The electronic exchange of messages and/or computer files between computers that are connected to the Internet or some other computer network