The Power of Self-Talk
Fortune favors the bold
How we talk to ourselves creates the life we live. Self-talk is our built in navigation system. It’s intuitive and relentless.
Is That All There Is? Is That All There Is? Level of awesome What’s possible Level of awesome Default life Time on planet
I’m not smart enough I’m not smart enough I’m not committed enough I’m not motivated enough
We’ve become so busy following all our “rules” we don’t ever stop to wonder if they are true.
What is YOUR “I’m not enough?”
48 negative comments every minute Every Day 55,000 Self-talk comments 43,000 are negative 48 negative comments every minute Stanulis and Manning 2002
Stuck in your loop .
Why do we stop growing? Peak Born Die Get promoted Have kids Kids get married Get married Job transition Get a job Grandchildren Graduate Retirement Fall in love Health issues Why do we stop growing? School Mental decline Born Die
Venture Into The Future re-Dream Dream Arrive Leap Climb Fight Moment of Inspiration Arrive Moment of Reflection Leap Moment of Decision Climb Moment of Endurance Fight Moment of Bravery Nancy Duarte
Stepping through
The future isn’t a place we’re going, it’s a place we get to create.
re-Build re-Create re-Invent re-Dream What would our lives look like if we didn’t stop growing and taking chances? Born
Me or Him?
Agency and Choice
Consume vs. Create
The opposite of fear is action.
Which door will you walk through? You have complete agency & choice You create your life with each choice you make & don’t make You can re-Invent, re-Create & re-Dream ANY time in your life Which door will you walk through? Action is the opposite of fear You ARE ______________ enough 516 524-0294