District Overarching Goals 2013-2014 Achievements Board Of Education Meeting June 25, 2014 Dr. Gabe Soumakian, Superintendent
District Overarching Goals for 2013-2014 Prepare students for College, Career, and Life readiness with rigorous 21st Century skills through the Linked Learning framework; Transition toward the Common Core State Standards to prepare for Smarter Balanced Assessments by 2014-2015; Close the Achievement Gap, specifically for English Learners, Students with Disabilities, and Socio-Economically Disadvantaged; Build administrator and teacher leadership capacity through Professional Learning Communities; Implement the Local Control Funding Formula while eliminating deficit spending by 2014-2015; and Build two new high schools and maintain a facility infrastructure that supports safe schools and a positive learning environment.
Prepare students for College, Career, and Life readiness with rigorous 21st Century skills through the Linked Learning framework 2011-12 there were 1075 test takers; in 2012-13 there was an increase of 1%, in 2013-14 data reported in July Increase of students taking AP courses Increase access of students enrolled in Academy Courses 267 Seniors qualified for State Seal of Biliteracy Revised the EEI Freshmen Transition program Applied for and received a $6M competitive Career Pathways Grant Deployed the Desire 2 Learn, a Learning Management System District has implemented Naviance Career Readiness for 9th to 11th grade and next year the 12th Grade the College online Application will commence Expansion of AVID courses and moving to a Districtwide in 2014-2015
Transition toward the Common Core State Standards to prepare for Smarter Balanced Assessments by 2014-2015 Roll out of the CCSS for LA, ELD, Math, and NGSS Literacy across the curriculum. Math teachers collaboration process resulted in the transition to the International/Integrated Model for Math I, II, III Successfully piloted the Smarter Balanced Assessment Research and tested laptops and tablets for assessment & instruction Updated the alignment of course through the Curriculum Committee
Close the Achievement Gap, specifically for English Learners, Students with Disabilities, and Socio-Economically Disadvantaged The English Learner Coordinated Council met address English Learner concerns, LCAP and programmatic needs. A strong campaign to reduce the D & F rate at all levels. CAHSEE Scores: Increase pass rate of first time 10th grade test takers ELD AMAO numbers, first time in 8 years met AMAO #1 APEX courses resulted more than 1,358 students completing 14,630 credit recovery units Reduction of Suspension by 42% and reduction of Expulsion by 41% from the previous year Site Governance Facilitator promoted parent engagement
Build administrator and teacher leadership capacity through Professional Learning Communities Ed Services staff and the Learning Design Coaches designed a template to train site teacher leaders on facilitating PLC at each site Training for Teacher Leads in each core subject to facilitate Professional Learning Communities at each site helped build capacity National Academy Foundation (NAF) provided direct support to Academy teachers and funding of the NAF Next Conference Classroom instructional walkthroughs provided teacher feedback yielded 7500 visits using the digicoach tool Implementation of PBIS and CHAMPS along with Alternative Means of Correction increased student engagement and student relationships
Implement the Local Control Funding Formula while Eliminating Deficit Spending by 2014-2015 Reduced the deficit from $7M to $3.5M for the (2013-2014) P2 projection and in 2014-2015 through the Supplemental and Concentration funding has eliminated the deficit. Increase of .93% attendance and increased enrollment yielded an additional 347 ADA that resulted in $2.6M revenue. Taking Care of Business Week format increased the number of Free & Reduced Meals qualification by 4% to increase the level of Concentration Funding. Restored three more days of instruction and two days of professional development for teachers for a total of five additional work days for staff through the negotiation process. Developed a Local Control Accountability Plan with stakeholder input that was a model for the County. Developed a new unit share formula within the frameworks of the LCFF. Transitioned Retiree Medical Plan producing an estimated ongoing savings of $1M annually. Document Management System has produced savings of $.5 M the past two years. Continue to maintain a tight master schedule to reduce FTE allocation.
Build two new high schools and maintain a facility infrastructure that supports safe schools and a positive learning environment Broke ground for the Rancho Campana High School on March 1, 2014 and the school is set to open for August 2015. Exploring an Oxnard #8 campus and working with the City of Oxnard to secure a location. Completed two major pool projects at ACHS and HHS. All schools beautification program has been maintained to ensure a safe learning environment. All comprehensive high schools have updated technology infrastructure and wi-fi, while the wi-fi project for Frontier will be completed this summer. Increase of District internet from 200mg to 2 Gig.
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