Skeletal System By Madison Moore
How to play This is how you play my game. There are 8 rounds and each round people are out. There are questions, we ask a question and everyone writes there answer on there paper. When we ask which one you think is correct you raise your hand. We show the answer and everyone that got is correct gives themselves a tally mark. Remember not to use all of your paper at once. Also put your pencil back in the pencil cup once this is over.
How many bones are there in a Grown up? 5 206 200 350 58
How do bones help us? They give us our structure They help us move They protect our muscles and organs They help us stand up and give us support All of the above All of above
Bones are hard on the outside
Femur What is the longest bone? A. Chicken Leg B. Fibula C. Femur D. Finger E. Skull
What are joints? Measurement of electrical resistance A shelf that has two separate parts A place where two things or separate parts are joined The speed at which an object falls All of the above
Which one is a bone Thigh Screw Driver Tibia Brain Chicken Leg
Match the words to the definition: Periosteum a bone in the human leg extending from the pelvis to the knee Marrow the place at which two things, or separate parts of one thing, are joined. Joint the normal investment of bone Cartilage a soft, fatty, vascular tissue in the interior cavities of bones Femur a firm, elastic, flexible type of connective tissue
Match the words to the definition Endoskeleton a cord or band of dense, tough, inelastic, white, fibrous tissue Appendicular skeleton the skeleton of the head and trunk. Axial skeleton the internal skeleton or framework of the body Ligaments The bones of the limbs Tendon a band of tissue