Lights, Camera, Action! AIM Assignment 2017 Our Cheatham theme this year is “Welcome to the theater. Where every student is a star!” So we will begin our AIM year with a MOVIE POSTER Assignment! There are many different types of movies: action, drama, comedy, etc. You should be thinking about what type describes you! Please be CREATIVE and use your IMAGINATION to design and create a movie poster that represents YOU! Your poster should be 14 x 22 (half size of regular sized poster board). We will be displaying your poster so be sure to follow the size requirement. Bring in your movie poster the first day of AIM and use it to introduce yourself to the class. You will need to include a “movie summary” about yourself on the poster. If you need poster board, please stop by the AIM room. This is an AIM homework assignment and is due the first day of AIM class. Please be responsible and prepared! I can’t wait to see the movie poster that represents you!