Developing Assessment Capable Learners Coaching Companion with Coaching Moments Intro to this process
Thank You For Your Contribution Julie Antill, SE Judy Baker, KC Pam Carte, NE Janet Crafton, SC Sandy Daniels, NE Pat Johnson, StL Lori Ladwig, NE Chris Montgomery, StL Linda Null, SE Tammy Ratliff, NE Carol Reiman, SE Connie Schweiss, SC Sheila Thurman, NE Belinda Von Behren, NW Patty Wilmes, NW
Change in Thinking + Change in Practice = Positive Impact on Student Performance Handout: Coaching Companion – Coaching Moments
How Does Coaching Fit? Coaching Reflection Goal setting Training occurs Consider these questions Where am I going? Where am I now? How do I close the gap? Coaching Reflection Goal setting Coaching moments Next steps Handout: Coaching Companion – Coaching Moments
Coaching Questions Coaching Stems from MO Edu-SAIL March 2017 Shared Learning breakout session, “Say Less, Ask More, and Change the Way You Coach” Jane Renner and Jan Walkonis ORID questions 10 Coaching Questions that Work in Any Conversation Rosen, K. (2009, November 9). 10 coaching questions that work in any conversation [Blog post]. Retrieved from work-in-any-conversation/. (Rosen, 2009)
Coaching Moments Part 1 Learning Targets Handout: Coaching Companion, Developing Assessment Capable Learners, Coaching Moments
Learning Target Coaching Moment Possible coaching resources Bring learning targets, rubric Teacher questions and reflections ACL handout, Make a Plan to Implement Critique/revise learning targets Next steps and Practice Profile Handout: Coaching Companion, Developing Assessment Capable Learners, Coaching Moments
Coaching Moments Continue Reflection – What have you tried so far? How will did it work? Continue with learning targets or move to rubrics Next steps – What are you willing to commit to doing/trying/changing? By when? Practice Profile Handout: Coaching Companion, Developing Assessment Capable Learners, Coaching Moments
Questions/Suggestions Thank you