Vocabulary Chapter 1: Lesson 2 Skepticism ethics Personal bias Cultural bias Experimental Bias Objective Subjective Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning
Skepticism Having an attitude of doubt S- Disbelief A-Belief
Ethics Rules that enable people to know right from wrong S-honesty A-dishonesty
Personal Bias Misinterpreting behavior or information based on personal likes and dislikes. S-favoritism, Unfairness A-Fairness
Cultural Bias Misinterpreting behaviors and information based on the culture a person grows up in. S-Predjudice A-Tolerance
Experimental Bias A mistake in the design of an experiment
Objective Make decision or draw conclusions based on evidence S-open-minded A-Subjective
Subjective Make decisions or draw conclusions based on personal feelings S-Biased A-Objective
Deductive Reasoning A way of explaining things starting with a general idea and applying to a specific observation A- Inductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning Uses specific observations to make a generalization A- Deductive Reasoning
Faulty Reasoning Conclusion is based on too little of information