SocialLink Emily Mason 19 October 2017 Dispelling the myths and mysteries of Social Investment SocialLink Emily Mason 19 October 2017
What I’ll talk about What is social investment? Learning what works for better lives What is the role of the Social Investment Agency? How we’re organised Partnerships
What would you like to hear about? Is there anything you would like me to focus on? Do you have any questions?
Social investment is about understanding whether public services are delivering the right results – for individuals and for the country The better use of data and evidence means we can understand: What people need to realise their potential The impact of government investment
Central Local Poor track record: Consultation Collaboration Understanding
What I’ll talk about Learning what works for better lives What is the role of the Social Investment Agency? How we’re organised Partnerships
Unproductive competition
Cost to the Government Annual budget 2015/16
The case for early intervention
Social Housing model
Our first social investment test case Designed to illustrate the fiscal impact of providing people with social housing. For the first time we can see the impact of government spending across a broad range of fiscal outcomes. More work is needed to understand the impact of social housing on social and economic outcomes.
Social Housing Analysis
Social Housing Results There were no statistically significant findings for ACC, Health and CYF.
What I’ll talk about What is the role of the Social Investment Agency? How we’re organised Partnerships
Role of the Social Investment Agency To help social sector agencies to deliver the right services, investing in what works for better lives.
Life trajectories
How we got here Formed July 2015 Formed Feb 2016 Formed July 2017 Social Investment Agency Social Investment Unit Social Sector Investment Change Programme Formed July 2015 Formed Feb 2016 Formed July 2017
How we work Government agencies Local government The SIA Application of social investment Communities NGOs
How we work Voice of the customer Empirical testing Evidence
Voice of the customer
Growing up in New Zealand New Zealand's contemporary longitudinal study tracking the development of approximately 7,000 New Zealand children from before birth until they are young adults
Spending in the social sector
Data in the IDI Statistics New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) enables analysis across 40+ datasets on the population Video
Individual’s data
Green: Characteristics Grey: Non-metric based outcomes Age Ethnicity Gender Iwi TA code Before school check outcome Household composition Mental health condition Variables Substance abuse/addiction condition Chronic conditions and serious health events Early childhood education attendance Kohanga reo attendance Immunisations Te Reo speaker Age at first birth Flag of x address changes in y years Variables Highest qualification Child has a police family violence notification Child has a CYF contact record CYF abuse findings CYF placement events Benefit T1 main NZ Police victims NZ Police offenders Green: Characteristics Grey: Non-metric based outcomes Dark blue: Metric based variables Variables ACC injury claims Primary and secondary school interventions Industry training Tax Self-harm events Mortality Total Costs (all agencies)
Available variables Green: Characteristics Age Mental health condition (characteristic) Diabetes CFY placement events Primary and secondary school enrolments National Non-Admitted Patient Collection (NNAPAC) Agency flags Overall before school check outcome Te reo speaker Court charges Industry training National Immunisation Register (NIR) Birth month Strength and Difficulties behavioural questionnaire outcome - parent Teen parent flag Sentencing and remand events Early childhood education Tax Birth year Strength and Difficulties behavioural questionnaire outcome - teacher Age at first birth Benefit dynamics T1 main General Medical Services (GMS) claims Self-harm events Date of birth Household composition Flag of x address changes in y years Benefit dynamics T1 supplimetary Laboratory claims Mortality Ethnicity (all) Mental health condition (Non-metric based outcomes) Social housing flag Benefit dynamics T3 hardship Cancer registrations Total costs (all agencies) Ethnicity (prioritised) Substance abuse / addiction condition Highest qualification New Zealand Police Victims Chronic condition/significant health event cohort Gender Chronic conditions and serious health events Child has a police family violence notification New Zealand Police Offenders B4 School Checks Iwi Early childhood education attendance Child has a CYF contact record ACC injury claims Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) Region Kohanga reo attendance HNZ social housing applications Primary and secondary school interventions Pharmaceuticals Spine indicator Immunisations CYF abuse findings Tertiary education Publicly funded hospital discharges – event and diagnosis/procedure information Green: Characteristics Grey: Non-metric based outcomes Dark blue: Metric based variables
What I’ll talk about How we’re organised Partnerships
Data Exchange IDI NGOs
Improving measurement Meth IDI
Whole-of-system guidance
Commissioning and building the resources
What I’ll talk about Partnerships
Pilot Partnerships
Questions for discussion How might we use these ideas to understand/ inform social investment in communities? What’s one thing you wonder? What’s one thing that surprised you? What’s one thing you will do with what you’ve learnt today?
Emily Mason General Manager Engagement Social Investment agency +64 29 200 2534