Dr. Miguel Oliveira, PhD Principal Investigator, Pro-Director 3B´s Research Group, Member of the PT Government Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B’s University of Minho, Portugal Expertise in: Basic Principles of Tissue Engineering Hydrogels for drug and cells delivery in CNS and PNR Nanomaterials for CNS Development of 2D and 3D Polymeric Structures for Biomedical Applications Bio Functionality Assessment Human and Animal Cells Sources http://www.3bs.uminho.pt/users/migueloliveira Most relevant publications: http://www.3bs.uminho.pt/user/94/biblio
Expected benefits and activities during participation in BIONECA: Share experience with groups who use biomaterials, nanoparticles and scaffodls for cells and drugs delivery; Share experience, infrastructures and scientific equipments; Would like to learn from groups who are experienced in clinical trials; Would like to from groups who are experienced in regulatory issues; Would like share knowledge on biomaterials and stem cells for neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases; Would like to create different synergies to build up new consortia for preparing different applications to EC. Foreseen maximum contribution: in WG1 and 3