TRANSFORMING ACADEMIC RESEARCH WITH DIGITALLY ENABLED SCHOLARSHIP Randolph Hall Vice President, Research Professor, Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering University of Southern California Los Angeles, California
Disruption in Intellectual Property Producing Industries News Music Book Publishing Magazine Publishing Motion Pictures Universities Content Can be Digitized
Other Institutions Do Everything Universities Do Advanced Education Research Clinical Care Innovation Are We Sufficiently Agile to Meet the Competition in All of These Areas?
Universities Need to Move Beyond the Age of the Typewriter Institutions and Culture Can Discourage Digital Scholarship and Fail to Reward Innovators
Our Traditions Peer reviewed print publications Products memorialized, frozen in time Recognition of individual accomplishments, as viewed by others Focus on one’s own (sub)discipline or academic department Contemplation
New Media
Peer Review
We Must Innovate in How We do Research Access New Media Metrics We Must Innovate in How We do Research Repositories Collaboration Peer Review Sharing Tenure
What Technology Can Do Information distributed & shared, quickly & cheaply Enriched media with moving images, interactivity Easier to find and retrieve desired information Easier to expand research networks well beyond home institution Automated methods to assess relevance and significance of information & sources Archives can be dynamic and collaborative
Effects Fast Collaborative Dynamic Individualized
Do University Traditions Stand in the Way of Our Mission to Expand Knowledge, for the Benefit of Society?
Institutions, Infrastructure and Culture
Repository Policy Encourages the creation of repositories that provide access, for use in future research, to data and human biospecimens. USC owns all human biospecimens Human subject specimens/data may not be sold for profit Consent topics: re-contact, return of medically relevant results, inform donors they are not compensated, withdrawal from repository, informed of future use
Measurement for Tenure “For Universities, the challenge will be ensuring that scholars who are making more and more of their material online will be fairly judged in hiring and promotion decisions”
Tenure “recognizes and supports a variety of styles of scholarship, both independent and collaborative”
Tenure: Digital Scholarship “UCAPT welcomes innovative approaches to scholarship”
Scalar: Born Digital Publishing
Collaboration Fund Environmental Sustainability Free Radical Biology and Medicine Brain Health in Urban Environments Contemporary Working Group Civics and Social Media Technology and Innovation in Pediatrics Americanize with Good Health Health Systems Improvement Biodiversity and Ecology Plasticity/Repair in Neurodegenerative Disorders STEM Education Pipeline Consortium Empirical Legal Studies Game Theory and Human Behavior Integrative Health Research & Education Spatial Science Interactive Media in Healthcare Microbiome
USC Software Initiatives Administrative Systems: TARA (research), HR, financial, medical records, … Digital USC Licensed Academic Software Applications Data Storage/Access Specialized Data Sets
TARA Portal
Software Categories Statistical (SAS, SPSS, STATA, JMP, NVivo, Atlas.ti) Spatial (ESRI…) Bioinformatics (Partek Genomics, Galaxy, Ingenuity…) Creative (Office, Adobe …) Authoring (Scalar, Public Knowledge Product, Sophie) Reference Management (Endnote, Refworks)
What Drives Our Purchases Expressed faculty desire Clear connection to research and/or education Identifiable payers (grants, departments, schools, subvention, libraries, ITS) Identifiable owner to maintain Ability to support Price sensitive
Biggest Issue Today? Data storage, access, archival Cloud storage? Research repositories? Collaborative models? Privacy and security? Disaster recovery?
Themes Technology changes how research is done Reinvent to stay competitive Organic collaboration Institutions, infrastructure, culture will all change
New Meets Old
Technology Will Make Us More Creative and Collaborative