A Partnership Model: African Mineral Skills Initiative
Why a Skills Initiative Skills deficit hampering economic growth and social development In 2009, aid flows to sub-Saharan Africa :$49 billion ($12 billion in 2000) In 2009, oil and minerals exports: $246 billion ($39 billion in 2000). Significant increase in global commodity prices since 2004 – and rising again after the global financial crisis. Yet, many African countries have not capitalised on these favourable economic conditions, including optimisation of non-fiscal impacts, such as employment and skills. Countries are challenged by institutional weakness, resulting in unbalanced agreements with international mining companies. One common denominator: A substantial shortage in human resources and technical expertise in managing all aspects of the mining sector. A shared African problem needing a shared solution
Sustainable Change through Skills Help unlock the development potential of Africa’s mineral resources. Support sustainable development through the minerals industry and its value chain. Doing things differently to develop skills for the new era of African mining
Skills - the key to unlock development Africa Mining Vision: “Transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development” AMDC Result Area 6: Building Human and Institutional Capacities with the goal To create a mining sector that is knowledge-driven and is the engine of an internationally competitive African industrial economy AMSI Vision: “A well-managed and highly skilled mineral sector to create inclusive growth and broad-based development in Africa”
Creating value in Partnership AMSI brings together the private, public and civil society sectors to collaborate AMSI promotes new partnerships and the linking of people and functions in the mineral value chain AMSI creates knowledge networks and partnership to create innovative skills solutions
The founding partners UNECA With the support of
AMSI Business Model Applying a holistic definition of mineral skills. Supporting existing institutions, mining schools & other skills institutions. Addressing barriers and gaps that hold back development potential of the mineral sector. Supporting innovation to create new solutions and develop new skills. An interdisciplinary approach relevant for various disciplines and sectors. Networks of educational and skills institutions, nationally and internationally. Highly efficient and cost effective solutions towards scalable models. Demand-led support using participatory development approaches.
AMSI Implementation pillars Planning: By improving policy and planning frameworks; Innovation: By promoting innovative strategies for and responses to skills development; Mining Entrepreneurship: By improving local entrepreneurship skills and opportunities in mineral value chain; Supporting Partnerships: By building effective partnerships to scale up skills development.
Pillar 1: Country Mining Vision Output: Integrated planning strengthened Frameworks for resource corridor development formulated Support states to align their planning and articulate their vision through the development a Country Mining Vision (CMV). The CMV represents a vision that is shared by all involved institutions and stakeholders in resource-based development planning. Through initial pilots, AMSI will develop templates to support the discussions on developing a CMV as well as provide the skills, tools and processes that can support the creation of a Country Mining Vision.
Pillar 2: Innovation Outputs: Comprehensive skills strategies formulated Challenge Fund Description: AMSI will encourage innovation in skills delivery mechanisms to address the mineral skills shortage. Through a Challenge Fund, skills / educational institutions will be supported to rise to the common challenges through innovative solutions of which the best will be funded. Innovative and cost-effective solutions made widely applicable to other institutions and other country contexts within Africa as part of AMSI’s body of knowledge.
Pillar 3: Mining Entrepreneurship Output: Local entrepreneurship skills strengthened Opportunities for local content in mineral value chain improved Description: AMSI will explore options to support business incubators, strengthening entrepreneurship in mining and other industries, including agriculture AMSI will support existing clusters of trade and economic activity to offer new entrepreneurship exposure within these clusters.
Pillar 4: Supporting Partnerships Output: Supported partnerships that are co-ordinated and aligned to the AMV Networks and platforms for dialogue and knowledge sharing established Description: AMSI will support the formation of new planning and skills delivery partnerships in relation to large mineral projects, existing or planned. AMSI will also continuously grow its networks of stakeholders who will benefit from knowledge management and knowledge sharing portals.
AMSI progress to date: Timeline IDEA ANNOUN-CEMENT CONSUL-TATION BUSINESS PLAN PARTNER ENGAGE-MENT SELECT PILOT COUNTRIES June ‘12 October ‘12 November ‘12 February ‘13 March ‘13 April ‘12