Europe’s Heartland Ch 12 section 2
Which countries make this name Benelux? What is the second largest country in Europe? (pop) Why is specialization so important for a country to get $? What are high technology resources? Why is tourism so popular in France? What is a Chateaux What is France’s second religion? Do people live more in cities or countryside? What river goes through Paris? What are the two most admired things about France? 3 facts about the soccer player Thierry Henry? What is the biggest marketing item of Antwerp? Biggest export of Holland is what? How have the Dutch reclaimed land from the sea?
Germany Pride Highest population in Europe despite two World Wars both of which they lost Highly productive Transportation Auto industry Pride in their great thinkers Bach, Beethoven
Germany Polders- formally drained lands Multinational companies- Elbe and Danube, Germany has great natural transport 10 things you already know about Germany, this could be hard, but anything that is valid works
Germany/Switzerland Mountains, great economies Most important river in Germany-starts in Switz Rhine Not unified until 1872 World War 2 was begun by Germany, World War 2 by Austro-Hungary
Government President, elected by people- Ceremonial Chancellor- elected by Parliament- Real power Angela Merkel
What are the Alpine Countries? Switzerland Austria Liechtenstein Switzerland- gate between n/s Neutrality=stable gov. for 700 years Movie CLip
Swiss/Austrian 5 Things the Swiss are known for? 5 Things the Austrians are known for?
Switzerland Clocks Watches Chocolate Electronics Swiss army knives ¾ mountain covered