Skills Equipment State of Mind! Outdoor Survival Skills Equipment State of Mind!
“Survival” Journal Entry # 4 February 23, 2016 What hobbies do you engage in that might lead you to be stranded outside for a night or more? List them. 2. What everyday activities could result in you (or anyone) being stranded? 3. What are the 4 most important items to have on you in the above situations? 4. What skills do you need? (What should you be able to do?)
Peter Kummerfeldt “If you are equipped, clothed and trained, an unexpected night out should not be a life threatening experience.”
Who are the survivors???? Strong Desire to Live Mentally Prepared Able to Cope in a Crisis Clothed and Equipment Practiced in Survival Skills Luck
Situations that could lead to trouble… Hunting Hiking Mountain biking Horseback riding Skiing Backpacking More???????????
Tell someone where you are going. What time do you expect to be back? The Numero Uno Rule…. Tell someone where you are going. What time do you expect to be back? Don’t say “I’m just..blah blah”
More to come on this one… Rule Numero Dos… Be Prepared!!!! More to come on this one…
You are stranded….what 3 things must you do, right away!?!? Sit Down Take a drink of water Sit for 30 minutes….. * You have a greater chance of being found if you stay put! * The adrenaline needs time to be processed.
Next, what are your priorities??? Signal Shelter Fire
What About Nourishment??? Rule of 3’s… You can survive 3 hours without shelter 3 days without water 3 weeks without food
Review… What are 4 important ideas you gained from today’s class? 1. Remember Rule # 1…. 2. You must maintain 98.6 degrees. 3. You must keep yourself hydrated. 4. Stay put and signal when possible.
Extreme Survival or Not… What did they do wrong? What did they do right? Case # 1 Aron Ralston…. Case # 2 The Kim Family….
In journals with other entry: Journal # 4 Continued… 1. Read each article. 2. List what each person/family did correctly and incorrectly in terms of getting them into and out of the life-threatening situation. In journals with other entry: Positive (3) Negative (3) Aron Ralston YOU WILL NEED MORE SPACE!!!!! Kim Family
Aron Ralston Positives Had some food and water Stayed calm Was experienced Was able to sacrifice his arm Video taped himself Had knife/multitool
Aron Ralston Negatives Did not tell anyone where he was going Remote area He went alone… Chose to hike in dangerous/remote area Not enough food/water Lost arm
Kim Family Positives left a trail behind Well motivated Kids and mom stayed in car Used car heater Burned tires Nursed kids
Kim Family Negatives Dad left Ate food/snacks Took a back road/ untreated road Did not anyone which way they were going Dad traveled in stream Dad did not have proper clothing Went off the road….
Aron Ralston Positives Strong mind-set—cut off arm Well prepared with supplies/mentally Waited for someone to find him… Effectively used resources Carved name in wall to ID body Kept his cool/kept his head… He survived Experienced
Aron Ralston Negatives Did not tell anyone where!!! Did not have shelter…proper clothing Went in to area where getting lost was probable… Had to cut off arm Gave up/ lost hope Went alone
Kim Family Positives Prepared Stayed calm/didn’t panic Made a trail—dad Followed a river… Motivation Mom nursed… Burned tires Stayed put---for a time…
Kim Family Negatives Dad left—didn’t make it to be rescued Dad went into water Dad didn’t go down road--- Took a back/closed road… Told nobody where/route… Rationed food????
Aron Ralston Positives Had skill set for amputation…. Stayed calm Survived/lived Took food/water Filmed himself Very experienced
Aron Ralston Negatives Told nobody where/when Dislodged chalk stone… Was alone… Wasn’t prepared to stay the night (clothes) Started to make his own grave/notes on wall Dangerous and desolate
Kim Family Positives Stayed together Burned tires Stayed with car Had phones Guy left a trail… Rationed food/water Turned car on/off
Kim Family Negatives Dad left He died He went in water Took a difficult route Not properly dressed Told nobody where they were going…
Aron Ralston Positives Experienced outdoorsman Stayed calm Left identification: wall carving/video Will to live Used ropes/equipment for other things Had food~2 burritos Had water~rationed
Aron Ralston Negatives Didn’t tell anyone where or when Not prepared: clothes, flares, satellite phone Very remote area Went alone
Period 1 Aron Ralston Kept his head—stayed mentally strong Had basic supplies: knife, water, food, rope Recorded messages: tells rescue team who he is, light on camera, mental attitude Had experience
Period 1 Aron Ralston Did not tell anyone where/when he was coming back Dressed light, did not have extra clothing Remote area/ not frequently visited Alone
Period 5 Aron Ralston Positive: kept his head, stayed calm, made a plan, rationed supplies, tried many options to free arm, Negative: told nobody, remote/risky area, gave up at one point: video of himself/carved his name in wall, putting rescuers in danger,
Period 4 Aron Ralston Positive: kept his head, stayed calm, realized he would have to sacrifice to survive, had some food and water: rationed it, made videos/etched name in to rock, stayed where he was, experienced Negative: did not tell anyone, didn’t know the danger/risks; took a risk by himself, made videos/etched name in to rock—lost hope
Kim Fam positives Husband was motivated to save family Used resources: rationed gas, burned tires Had food and water Told people when leaving… Stayed in one place Dad left a trail
Kim Family Negatives Dad left family Dad was weak after hiking without proper clothing Didn’t follow road Did not tell anyone exact route
Period 1 Kim Family Dad left a markings behind—find way back Had food/snacks Rationed gas/turned car off… Burned tires Stayed in one place Family knew where they were going
Period 1 Kim Family Didn’t tell exact route Dad didn’t stay put Didn’t follow road Followed stream
Period 4 Kim Family Positive: mother and children stayed with car; rationed gas, burned tires, dad left a trail, had some snacks/water, mom nursed kids, sent care packages, dad was motivated to survive, Negative: told nobody, vehicle not appropriate for roads, father went into water/left the group, did not follow road, did not use map effectively,
Period 5 Kim Family Positive: motivated mind set, stayed in car, tried to follow creek, rationed gasoline, burned tires, rationed food Negative: did not tell anyone, no idea about weather/road conditions, did not have appropriate vehicle, dad left, hypothermia, wasn’t properly clothed, left a trail