Preparation for CERN test beam H6 test beam area in Prevessin
First Draft schedule for CERN 09/03/06 These slides are on:
For us this means: Jul 3 - Jul 8 ECAL/HCAL installation at CERN Jul 9 - Jul 26 ECAL/HCAL out of the beam line and restricted access time for LED checks, mapping, pedestal studies Jul 27 - Aug 8 ECAL stand alone (period 1) HCAL will be on! electrons with ECAL in front, first pion showers Aug 9 - Aug 23 parasitic calibration with muon or beam data Aug 24 - Sep 3 HCAL stand alone (period 2 ) suggested run with HCAL+ECAL too general understanding of beam spectra, rates, noise check angular scan procedure Sep 4 - Sep 19 ECAL/HCAL out of the beam line and restricted access Sep 20 - Oct 11 parasitic calibration with muon or beam data Oct 12 - Oct 24 Combined ECAL + HCAL (period 3) high statistics data taking for MC comparison program based on understanding during period 2
Data taking plan (before period 2) Full debug of mapping, noise, LED system Inter-calibration of all channels with LED system MIP calibration with muon from: beam dump / pion beam / cosmics (if rotation possible) Act as “tail catcher” to the ECAL during electron beam run First hadron shower if ECAL wants Goal: be on as much as possible to understand detector behaviour Finish to update to online monitoring plots, documentation, …
Data taking plan (period 2) Define the energy and angle range to scan: (90-Q) From Vasiliy Morgunov: Constraints: CERN energy (5) 10 – 205 GeV rotation possible with stage Q = 0 – 35 deg
Data taking plan (period 2) Minimum plan: Matrix of combination with ~ 100k ev per point 5 steps in energy 4 steps in angle ECAL + HCAL and HCAL alone electron and pion beam Very conservative, in the reminder: more energies (try 5 GeV if possible), E [GeV] Q [deg] 10 18 25 50 100 e/p 5 15 35 More detained document + plan available soon under:
Data taking speed & beam info The DAQ rate with 500 ev buffering tested for full ECAL+HCAL r/o > 100 Hz (120 Hz achieved, can be improved) CERN beam spill structure: 4 s beam – 12 s spill separation for a 100 Hz DAQ (no buffering): 400 ev / 16 s = 25 Hz with buffering of 1000 events: 1000 ev / 16 s ~ 70 Hz 100k ev in 25 – 60 min
Beam purity Pion beam: for Ep > 10 GeV 97-99% hadrons of which: 10% proton in p+ (these numbers are E >1% antiproton in p- dependent) 1% electrons 1% muons Electron beam: for 40<Ee<120 GeV >97% electrons for Ee < 40 GeV use Cherenkov to separate e/p
Equipment to integrate @ test beam Trigger plates: 2x 3x3 cm2 for beam 2x 10x10 cm2 for muon from dump 2x large muon trigger (1x1 m2) 1x muon trigger after tail catcher 2 x/y drift chambers (3rd chamber optional) 10x10 cm2 area ~200 um resolution Cherenkov counter e/p separation up to 40 GeV All data recorded into DAQ + beam parameters: intensity, energy, magnets status, etc…
Data taking plan (period 3) … will follow from period 2 experience In general foreseen higher statistics & more energy points
Shift Rules and Schedule 3 shifts per day a 3 people need to be covered. shift at DESY is Mandatory before the first shift at CERN goal: learn how to operate the DAQ and how to judge data quality The shift week at CERN starts on Wed. and ends on Tue. the following week Safety instructions should be attended on the Tue. prior shift starts In order to register and get all bureaucracy done it is advisable to arrive on the Mon. prior shift starts
Details of the shift schedule Still to be organized: clear task sharing for first level analysis and data quality control “shift schedule” for analyzers in DESY and other institutes
Preparation for CERN test beam Documents needed: (If required) Visa for Switzerland and France Medical certificate stating that You are allowed to work in radiation controlled areas. Registered as CERN user and Computer account pre-filled forms will be made available to hand in before shift starts CERN Dosimeter (requires CERN email address, procedure not yet established) CERN Safety Course (video running every day. CERN access card required) Accommodation: critical! To be taken care in advance check on CERN hostel service