Instrumentation for SPS 2006 restart


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Presentation transcript:

Instrumentation for SPS 2006 restart Outline: Update since OP days 2005 BI systems needed for start-up SPS EA status Pending issues Conclusion PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Update since OP days 2005 #1 Standardization was needed BI is committed like other AB equipment groups to migrate front-end software towards FESA#2. BI is different from others as we: have many different systems (different uses and hardware) who are basically all using MTG timing have several operational clients developed by AB/OP and AB/CO (LSA, CESAR) Standardization was needed Motivations for migrating during the long shutdown: Have spent too much time in the past maintaining instrumentation software Certain systems needed major hardware and/or software modifications. Some were due to users requirements, others for standardization reasons FESA #2 is the AB department’s framework and we haven’t got the resources to maintain the previous versions (BISCoTO etc) 2005 was our only real chance to do it before the AB complex starts again in 2006 (and after 2006 we will be too busy with LHC) PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Update since OP days 2005 #2 Good news: Standard interfaces developed (position, intensity, loss, size) that will make common client developments (LSA, CESAR etc) for FESA#2 servers much easier. This should also mean LHC Since March 2005, we have worked in close collaboration with AB/OP and AB/CO for the migration of SPS instruments to FESA#2 We have participated actively in getting the issues solved We have tested/verified thoroughly the software developed with FESA#2 during 2005 (with beam on PSB/LEIR) PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

BI instrumentation for SPS low-intensity start-up TT10 alumina BTV screens for real-time observation in the CCC SEM (for steering and profile) TTPOS (steering through TT2 + TT10) BCTFI (transfer-line BCT TT2 + TT10) MOPOS (First-turn and Closed-orbit) BCTSDC (Circulating beam current) Tune measurement system Wire-scanners PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

BTV + SEM TT10 BTV screens SEM (generic acquisition system) No changes from BI here since 2004, so no surprises expected The electronics (and video in the CCC) to be checked by AB/OP during cold check-out SEM (generic acquisition system) 10 acquisition systems around the SPS. TT10 steering (TTPOS backup) TT10 grids (BTV backup) Fixed-target beams in the North area Existing clients (for TT10 system): TZ steering and measurement Status for TT10: FESA#2 software running with AB/CO gateway (AB/OP test ASAP) If results negative, go back to previous version awaiting new LSA software Same hardware and FESA#2 software will be used for CNGS TBID and Muon detectors (CESAR) Interest from CESAR to go the FESA#2 way for North Target SEMs also: Implications for TZ steering etc .. PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

TTPOS (BPTL) TTPOS (BPMs in TT2/TT10) Acquire trajectories for all beams into the SPS Low-level software now simplified (fewer settings) Beam type changes will hopefully be easier Beam-type information ? Remote diagnostics tools as for MOPOS Existing clients: TZ steering application Status: FESA#2 version of the software in development (expected finished mid-February) The new Java steering application (TI8, LEIR etc) expected to be used from the 2006 start-up. An AB/CO gateway could be installed (as for SEMs) -> TZ steering (after modifications) Long term: TTPOS systems difficult to maintain (delays and calibration depend on beam-type) so upgraded during 2006/2007 shutdown (CNGS BPM system). PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Transfer-line Intensity BCTFI (TT2 and TT10) Used to acquire the intensity for all beams (all injections/extractions): Into SPS (TT2 and TT10) Fast extracted beams (LHC, CNGS) Electronics tested during 2004 (including TI8) Hardware modifications: New low bandwidth channel will give ~1% absolute calibration between systems New sensitivity switch (low/high) to improve resolution for low intensity beams Beam-type information ? Existing clients: Logging (AB/CO) Java and C Fixed displays (AB/CO) Java and C Status: FESA#2 software in development Deployed during February 2006 PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Orbit system #1 MOPOS (First-turn + Closed-orbit) Used to acquire beam signals every turn Turn-by-turn data Calculated closed-orbit Hardware modification #1: Offset problem with 75nsec beam: BPM adapters to be upgraded (ABIC) Hardware modification #2: User requirement (cycles >23secs) More memory needed which means added difficulties for low-level software Start-up or later ? (no implication for applications whether we wait or not) PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Orbit system #2 MOPOS continued: Existing clients/uses: Status: SPS orbit program Beam position interlocks (LSS4 and LSS6) (Multi-turn position) Status: FESA#2 software in development Expected ready by end-February API discussion soon System change much less than last time and this time the implementation will be standard, except: MOPOS system doesn’t fit into FESA#2 Calibration depends on gain and beam-type BI solution to handle calibration factors Beam-type information ? For the start-up we will provide: First-turn and closed-orbit measurements. Multi-turn measurements will come during 2006 MOPOS is the most complicated BI system Lot of care will be taken to make sure it works. PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Circulating beam Intensity BCT DC (Low and high intensity) Used to acquire the intensity of circulating beams from 1E9 to 1E14 charges Existing clients/uses: Logging and Page1 AB/OP BCT application (Safe beam flag for interlocks) Status: A FESA#2 version of this system has been finalised, tested and deployed. A working version of the operational GUI was developed by AB/OP in 2005 Awaiting requirements from other clients PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Tune measurement SPS Qmeas: Existing clients/uses: Status: Long term: Based on BOSC samplers Used to acquire turn by turn (max: 23secs) BPM signals for all circulating beams allowing clients to calculate the betatron tunes (and chromaticity) Existing clients/uses: Single kick application AB/OP MultiQ application Status: FESA#2 server deployed New operational (single-kick) tune application being developed by AB/OP Existing MultiQ application to be modified Long term: During 2006 the BBQ system will become available and will one day replace the BOSC system PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Beam-size Wire-scanners: Long(er) term: No changes here since 2004 Expect no problems Long(er) term: LHC prototype system (with new high voltage control and acquisition electronics) will be developed and tested in BA5 during 2006 PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

EA STATUS SPS North Area with new control: Old CAMAC and NIM now VME and PLC’s Nodal software replaced by CESAR Java programs accessing FESA#2 over CMW BI responsibilities transferred Vacuum to AT/VAC. Access control to TS Dry Run (Nov 05) on two beam lines: Positive outcome: CESAR and FESA brings huge benefits to the performance System very reactive and no slow-downs were observed, even with many users Dry Run #2: Scheduled 15 to 17 February 2006 Covering all North Area beams Main difference EA w.r.t. SPS systems: All settings are Non-ppm PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Pending issues for the SPS Certain SPS timing events are not handled correctly (wrong context): Need bug fix during February 2006 MOPOS memory upgrade: AB/OP to decide whether we do this for the start-up or later 3. AB/OP to decide on the list of SPS central timing events (OP working group) Needed during February 2006 AB/OP to decide (long term) on how to deal with settings per USER: Persistent in equipment or part of LSA settings management ? AB/OP to publish the list of SPS USERs (cycles) for 2006 ASAP, please .. 6. AB/OP to decide on use of SPS cycles One USER=one beam-type or ? (BCTFI, TTPOS, MOPOS) PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

FESA Example Timing events Expert data AB/OP PPM data PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW

Conclusions BI software developed during 2005 (some PSB/LEIR) tested/verified thoroughly: Confident systems will work (again) One issue preventing us from using it in operation: Handling of SPS warning events AB/OP to decide on the use of AB/CO gateway (SEM, TTPOS) Standardise SEM around the SPS SPS EA will start with completely new hardware and control system. Followed very closely: EA dry runs PS/SPS Days 2006 Lars K. Jensen AB/BI/SW