Developing a Research Question Mrs. Bovino Library
Research Question The answer should not be in your notes or in any one source Reflect upon what you learned this year Requires critical thinking to answer You must evaluate the facts and draw your own conclusions! The answer to your research question should be your opinion!
Your Subject for Research Choose a subject that you found interesting/enjoyed learning about this year… Maybe Government, Religion or Art? Brainstorm ideas within topics
How do I structure my Research Question? Must start with How or Why Must be a Comparison or Cause/Effect Question
Comparison Question Select items you want to compare: Ex. Theodora and Michelle Obama How does Theodora compare to Michelle Obama? Select criteria of the items on which you want to base your comparison Ex. 1) Background 2) Motivation 3) Contribution
Comparison Support Questions Sample Question: How does Theodora compare to Michelle Obama? Define the 2 items being compared 1st supporting question. Ex. Who was Theodora? Who is M. Obama? (Background information) Define the additional criteria being researched 2nd supporting question. Ex. What were Theodora’s beliefs? What are Michelle Obama’s beliefs? 3rd supporting question. Ex. What were Theodora’s contributions? What are Obama’s contributions?
Make a Chart Theodora Michelle Obama Background Who were they? Motivation/Beliefs What were their beliefs? Contributions What were their contributions? In your conclusion, what stands out as a major difference between the 2 topics? With comparison questions, you will state that one topic is more (something) than the other topic . This is your opinion! For example: You could argue: Theodora had a more profound effect on governmental policies than Michelle Obama. Must be arguable!
Cause/Affect Question Ex. How did democratic thought affect common people? Choose 3 effects to discuss Examples: Work Education Family Leisure Freedom
Format - Use for all forms – Photo Story, Prezi, Paper, etc. Research Question - clearly stated on Title Page/Slide Introduction – State your Thesis. This is the answer to your research question. (This is your opinion, not a fact). Comparison Question: 3 criteria to compare such as 1) background 2) beliefs 3) contributions OR Cause/Affect Question: 3 effects such as 1) Work 2) Education 3)Family Conclusion – Restate your thesis. Provide proof to your thesis from facts.
Works Cited You must cite in proper MLA format. Works Cited must be in Microsoft Word or Google Doc. Noodle Tools: Personal id: your student id# Password: student
Are these good research questions? Who was Alexander the Great? What was the Battle of Tours? What was Christianity like during the Renaissance?