l Event selection l Method l Combination l Summary and conclusion Color reconnection analysis for the summer conference 2001 in Budapest Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni 20011
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni Event selections L3 like selection (very restrictive) More global selection (effectively W mass selection) cut on neural net output at 0.3
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni particle flow method use projection into 4 planes for both selections! particle flow (using all charged/neutral objects) charged particle flow (using charged tracks only) energy flow (using all charged/neutral objects) charged energy flow (using charged tracks only)
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni 20014
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni 20015
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni rescaling of angles:
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni rescaling of angles:
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni Charged particle flow L3 selection NN selection
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni energy flow L3 selection NN selection
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni normal particle flow L3 selectionNN selection
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni The Rathsman model
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni Combination of results 2 2 L3 selection particle flow NN selection particle flow R n limit 6-7 R n limit KiKi KiKi
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni Some numbers L3 selS(R n ) R n 1 limit pflow eflow ch. pflow ch. eflow NN sel pflow eflow ch. pflow ch. eflow
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni Systematics l already included: - difference JETSET – HERWIG - difference BE reference – BE inside W only - MC statistics l Still to be done - vary BKG by +/- 1
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni LEP combination l want to perform it for 189 GeV before summer conference! l DLO have L3 selection, pflow in 4 planes, with charged tracks only l considered systematics: as shown before, but without difference JETSET-HERWIG
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni What still has to be done l Produce all R n values for all models (at 189 GeV) ( Rathsman, Ar, Ar2, SKII, Hw, Hw cr) (just have to make the list) l Calculate 2 for all models (at 189 GeV) l Systematics: vary BKG by +/- 1 uncertainty
Thomas Ziegler, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, MainzW meeting 13. Juni What to show for the conference l Use normal particle flow with W-mass selection in 4 planes (as it has highest sensitivity) l L3 selection in 4 planes can/should be shown as well as comparison to DLO results