By John Milton An exploitation and critique by megan certeza Paradise Lost By John Milton An exploitation and critique by megan certeza
A Literary device used in the context of the story Foil How it is used and examples In literature, a foil is a character that shows qualities that are in contrast with the qualities of another character with the objective to highlight the traits of the other character. The term foil, though generally being applied for a contrasting character, may also be used for any comparison that is drawn to portray a difference between two things. What we observe in literature very often is that a foil is a secondary character who contrasts with the major character to enhance the importance of the major character. The etymology of the term foil testifies the aforementioned assertion as the word “foil” is taken from the practice of backing gems with foil (tool) so that they shine more brightly. Foil is used for example in the story because we would like to think of Satan now not as the adversary but as the hero trying to regain paradise from his foes Adam and Eve and especially God.
The Concept of God being the protagonist and of Satan being the antagonist According to the Judeo-Christian theory, God is the creator of mankind and that he sent his only son to die for our sins. God is portrayed as the protagonist because created the world and sent his only son to die for our sins so we could come to heaven after we died depending on where we were going. Satan also known as the evil serpent wanted us to perish, so he is therefore the antagonist who by nature wanted the extinction of mankind.
Some questions about the concepts of John Milton’s Paradise Lost If Satan was not a hero for wanting to regain heaven back for his demons who were once fallen angels, then why would he be portrayed as a hero? Satan was kicked out of heaven for disobedience….Was it that bad? First bullet point here Second bullet point here Third bullet point here
How Satan Could Be Portrayed As Heaven’s Activist A hero A warrior Another who is like God An enemy A trickster in the story Evil An untamed inexcusable evil The antichrist A serpent Undisciplined A traitor A righteous being A pioneer for his fellow angels A motivated being bent on going back home Lucifer as the light for his angels
But what makes Satan so evil? Why he is the concept of an antagonist Why he is the concept of a protagonist He attempted to murder humankind He disobeyed God by attempting to murder humankind because we can conclude that humans were an unlikely species who were unlike God and the angels. Because of this disobedience he was cast out and still attempts to murder mankind. He is trying to regain heaven by rebelling once again against God. He is trying to regain heaven for him and his angels. He is a pioneer for all angels; he is a leader.
Cited Source in MLA Format Foil. Web. Archive.