PowerPoint 1 – Course Overview A seven week course to learn how to effectively use MS PowerPoint. Week Topic Covering…. 1 Class approach & Basics Course outline, Google Drive, PowerPoint Interface, Themes, & Text 2 Clip Art and Tables Exercises, Student Project. Homework Assignment 3 Using Graphics Exercises, Revise Student Project, Homework Assignment 4 Using Charts and Media Clips Chart Creation, Insert Sound, Slide Header & Footer, Slide Master, Student Project, Homework 5 Slide Show Design Word Art, Including Objects, Slide Design, Transitions, Homework, Student Project Update. 6 Animation Slide sorter, Adding animation, Using Slide Sorter, Presenter notes, Student Project, Homework 7 Student Project Presentations Presentation of Student Projects Steve Jackson (630) 750-1233 Christopher Culp steven_w_jackson@prodigy.net
Student and PRC Participation Student Responsibilities: Attend every class or notify of an absence in advance. Participate in the discussion, complete the exercises and homework, develop a student project. Create a google e-mail account use learn Google Drive. Complete the Homework assignments. PRC Services Provide an Internet-capable PC after 1st class (Internet service connection not included). Access to Instructors and Tutors available at several PRC sites. Prepare the student to design and create a presentation. Introduce cloud-based shared service, Google Drive.
Week 1 – Using the PC File System Libraries Desktop Pictures C: Documents Music student My Pictures My Documents My Music PowerPoint 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Week 1 – Accessing Google Drive Step 1: Sign In Step 2: Open Drive Step 3: Select Folder (www.google.com) Display Folders Click Here Enter Password
Week 1 – PowerPoint Class Folder Contents of the PowerPoint Folder Weekly Folders Google Drive PPT Google Drive Instructions Class Survey Student Presentation Outline
Week 1 – Upload a File Step 1: Open the Menu Step 2: Choose a file to upload Choose Option
Week 2 – Student Presentation Outline Student Presentation Outline Format Title: _______________________________________ Page Topic Contents Special Effect 1 Title Conclusion What do you want the audience to remember? Why are you presenting the information? What actions do you want the audience to take? Confirm that you got your story across.
Week 2 – Student Presentation Outline Presentation Outline (example) Title: Who wants to buy my car? Page Topic Contents Special Effect 1 Title Introduce Car make and model none 2 Body Summary of car’s features bulllets 3 Repair History highlights Table 4 Car ranking among similar makes & models Pictures 5 Maintenance history and current condition Charts 6 Summary of why this car is a good value Animation 7 Conclusion Main reasons to buy this car Animation & Sounds