CV and Personal Statement Workshop
Parts of a CV Your name and contact information should be in large font, centered, at the top of the page Education: include overall GPA and GPA within your major, if it makes a difference. Publications or posters: if you have them, flaunt ‘em Research Experience: name-drop. Explain the hypotheses and the research, as well as your role in the research. Research skills Other relevant experience (work, volunteer) Relevant coursework Honors and awards References
Keys to a good CV Must look good First page must have the “goods” Pleasing font Lots of spaces Easy to read Headers and Footers First page must have the “goods” Think long and hard about your accomplishments, you may be surprised by the things that you have forgotten. This is NOT the time to be modest. At the same time, be HONEST.
Personal Statements 2-4 pages in length: double-spaced or 1 ½ spaced. This is a story of your “career”: what has led you to this day (applying to graduate school). As such, you want a good linear story about your academic and related life. Can be written in chronological order, but make sure your best accomplishments aren’t hidden in the statement. Towing the line between impersonal and too personal.
Personal Statements Start out with something interesting/engaging. You want the committee to want to read more. Include: Research experience, highlighting your best work, techniques, and any publications or posters. Related research experience Unrelated research experience Relevant coursework: with particular reference to how these classes shaped your interest. Other experiences that are relevant.
Personal Statements What makes you such a good catch? Most important thing that MOST students forget: Why do you want a position in this program? Why does the program fit your interests? With whom do you want to work and why? What makes YOU a good fit with the program?