Chapter 10 and 11: The U.S. Enters the World Stage and World War I “Jeopardy” Chapter 10 and 11: The U.S. Enters the World Stage and World War I Edit the topic by double-clicking on Type the topic here.
1 2 3 4 5 Vocabulary Foreign Policy Spanish-American War World War I The Home front 1 2 3 4 5 Double Jeopardy Double-click on each topic at the top to edit it. The numbers are all hyperlinked to the questions. The hyperlinks only work in the Slide Show view. Type Shift and F5 simultaneously to test your links.
Topic 1: 1 point The extension of a nation’s power over other lands. On each question slide, you can double-click the white text to add a question. Take special care to not press Delete before editing the text, as it will remove the animations and possibly the formatting. To insert pictures, shapes, or Clip Art, too, go to the Insert ribbon. Double-click on the black text to enter the answer. The house in the bottom left corner will allow the students to return to Slide 2, where the question board is found. Make sure to change your Topic section at the top of your slides, too. What is Imperialism?
Topic 1: 2 points A country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger nation. What is a protectorate?
Topic 1: 3 points Payment for damages caused by war. What are reparations?
What is the Great Migration? Topic 1: 4 points The large scale movement of hundred of thousands of Southern blacks to cities in the North. What is the Great Migration?
What is the War Guilt Clause? Topic 1: 5 points Provision of the Treaty of Versailles forcing Germany to admit sole responsibility for starting World War I. What is the War Guilt Clause?
Topic 2: 1 point The policy of not being involved in the affairs of other nations. What is isolationism?
What is the Roosevelt Corollary? Topic 2: 2 points Asserted the right of the United States to act as a police power in the Western Hemisphere. What is the Roosevelt Corollary?
What is Dollar Diplomacy? Topic 2: 3 points Policy of Howard Taft for advancing U.S. interests abroad using economic power. What is Dollar Diplomacy?
What is the Open Door Policy? Topic 2: 4 points Policy that would give all nations equal trading rights in China. What is the Open Door Policy?
What is the Fourteen Points? Topic 2: 5 points President Wilson’s plan for Peace following World War I. What is the Fourteen Points?
What is Remember the Maine? Topic 3: 1 point Cry used to rally Americans against Spain. What is Remember the Maine?
What is the Yellow Press? Topic 3: 2 points Exaggerated style of reporting the news. What is the Yellow Press?
What is the de Lome Letter Topic 3: 3 points The letter ridiculing President McKinley written by Spain’s minister to the Untied States. What is the de Lome Letter
Who are the Rough Riders? Topic 3: 4 points Volunteer cavalry regiment led by Theodore Roosevelt. Who are the Rough Riders?
Who is Emilio Aguinaldo? Topic 3: 5 points Leader of a rebel army of Philippine patriots. Who is Emilio Aguinaldo?
Who are the Central Powers? Topic 4: 1 point Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Who are the Central Powers?
Topic 4: 2 points Great Britain, France, and Russia. Who are the Allies?
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand? Topic 4: 3 points Heir to the Austrian throne whose assassination triggered World War I. Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
Topic 4: 4 points Head of the American Expeditionary Forde in Europe during World War I. Who is John J. Pershing?
Topic 4: 5 points Passenger ship that was sunk by German U-Boats during World War I. What is the Lusitania?
What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts? Topic 5: 1 point Affected the freedom of speech because they allowed the government to silence ideas that challenged its authority. What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Topic 5: 2 points Posters, newspapers, and other materials designed to influence people’s opinions. What is propaganda
What is the Committee on Public Information? Topic 5: 3 points Organization created to promote American support for the war. What is the Committee on Public Information?
Topic 5: 4 points Head of the Committee on Public Information. Who is Alvin York?
What is the Sedition Act? Topic 5: 5 points Famous Tennessean and conscientious objector who became a decorated war hero. What is the Sedition Act?
Daily Double! These “Daily Double” slides are linked to the questions. As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!
Daily Double! Template designed by Theresa M. Dyson Computer Resource Specialist, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Adjunct Professor, Tidewater Community College As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!
“Double Jeopardy” Edit the topic by double-clicking on Type the topic here.
1 2 3 4 5 Vocabulary People U.S. in World War I Imperialism Miscellaneous 1 2 3 4 5 Final Jeopardy Double-click on each topic at the top to edit it. The numbers are all hyperlinked to the questions. The hyperlinks only work in the Slide Show view. Type Shift and F5 simultaneously to test your links.
What is Social Darwinism? Topic 1: 1 point Theory that encouraged the belief that industrialized nations were superior to people who lived in less developed countries. On each question slide, you can double-click the white text to add a question. Take special care to not press Delete before editing the text, as it will remove the animations and possibly the formatting. To insert pictures, shapes, or Clip Art, too, go to the Insert ribbon. Double-click on the black text to enter the answer. The house in the bottom left corner will allow the students to return to Slide 2, where the question board is found. Make sure to change your Topic section at the top of your slides, too. What is Social Darwinism?
Topic 1: 2 points Fighting from trenches. What is trench warfare?
Topic 1: 3 points German submarines What are U-Boats?
Topic 1: 4 points A cease-fire or truce. What is an armistice?
Topic 1: 5 points Strategy of surrounding troop transport ships with destroyers for protection. What is a convoy?
Topic 2: 1 point Headed the government of Hawaii after Americans overthrew Queen Liliuokalani. Who is Sanford B. Dole?
What is the Phillipines? Topic 2: 2 points A controversy arose over whether or not the US should annex this country following the Spanish American War. What is the Phillipines?
Topic 2: 3 points President of the United States during World War I. Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Who is David Lloyd George? Topic 2: 4 points British Prime Minister during the Paris Peace Conference. Who is David Lloyd George?
Who is Henry Cabot Lodge? Topic 2: 5 points US senator who wanted changes in the Treaty of Versailles. Who is Henry Cabot Lodge?
What is the Zimmerman Note? Topic 3: 1 point German telegram proposing an alliance between German and Mexico. What is the Zimmerman Note?
Topic 3: 2 points An uprising against Czar Nicholas I here pushed the United States into entering the war. What is Russia?
Topic 3: 3 points US General during World War I. Who is John J. Pershing?
What is the National War Labor Board? Topic 3: 4 points American group that judged disputes between labor and management. What is the National War Labor Board?
What is the Selective Service Act? Topic 3: 5 points US law requiring young men to register for the military draft. What is the Selective Service Act?
Topic 4: 1 point The United States supported a revolution in Panama from this country. What is Columbia?
Who is Theodore Roosevelt? Topic 4: 2 points Received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping negotiate a treaty that ended the Russo-Japanese War. Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
Topic 4: 3 points Cuban poet and journalist who helped launch the revolution against Spain. Who is Jose Marti?
What is the Boxer Rebellion? Topic 4: 4 points Rebellion by anti-imperialist Chinese group who wanted to remove foreign influence from China. What is the Boxer Rebellion?
Topic 4: 5 points Law to end military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico. What is the Foraker Act?
What is the Platt Amendment? Topic 5: 1 point Added to the Cuban constitution by the insistence of the United States making Cuba a protectorate. What is the Platt Amendment?
Topic 5: 2 points When the Spanish-American War broke out, he rushed his fleet to the Philippines. Who is George Dewey?
Topic 5: 3 points Andrew Johnson’s Secretary of state who purchased Alaska for $7.2 Million. Who is John Hay?
Who is Valeriano “the Butcher” Weyler? Topic 5: 4 points Spanish General who mistreated the Cubans during the revolt there Shocking Americans who read about his atrocities. Who is Valeriano “the Butcher” Weyler?
What is the Monroe Doctrine? Topic 5: 5 points Foreign policy on which the Roosevelt Corollary was built. What is the Monroe Doctrine?
Daily Double! These “Daily Double” slides are linked to the questions. As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!
Daily Double! Template designed by Theresa M. Dyson Computer Resource Specialist, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Adjunct Professor, Tidewater Community College As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered. If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!
Final Jeopardy Who is William C. Gorgas? Topic: imperialism Worked with Walter Reed in Cuba and helped to rid the canal zone from malaria. On each question slide, you can double-click the white text to add a question. Take special care to not press Delete before editing the text, as it will remove the animations and possibly the formatting. To insert pictures, shapes, or Clip Art, too, go to the Insert ribbon. Double-click on the black text to enter the answer. The house in the bottom left corner will allow the students to return to Slide 2, where the question board is found. Make sure to change your Topic section at the top of your slides, too. Who is William C. Gorgas?