Manhood Fracture and Recovery: What Every Man Should Know


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Presentation transcript:

Manhood Fracture and Recovery: What Every Man Should Know

When it comes to male organ injury, no man wants to think about the possibility of actually ‘breaking’ his male organ – but some studies show that manhood fracture might actually be more common than previously believed. In addition to excruciating member pain, a man might also face issues with lifelong dysfunction, severe curvature and other issues. That’s why it’s so important to know what to do if manhood fracture happens.male organ injury

The basics of manhood fracture When a man suffers a manhood fracture, usually the first sign is significant pain. It usually happens during a trauma to the male organ, such as a heavy blow during sports or, most commonly, an incorrect angle during coupling. There might also be a ‘popping’ sound at the moment of injury. So what just happened? When a guy obtains hardness, it occurs because blood flows into two spongy channels in the male organ. These are known as the corpora cavernosa. These hold the blood to keep a man hard, and when the deed is done, they allow the blood to slowly drain away.

The manhood fracture occurs when the sheath around one or both of the corpora cavernosa gets torn. This doesn’t happen on its own; it requires some sort of trauma. The immediate result is the loss of firmness, significant member pain, and sometimes swelling, bruising, or – depending upon how bad the manhood fracture is – bleeding and other signs of damage.

How to treat a manhood fracture Some men will try to ‘tough it out’ and use painkillers, ice and other methods at home to ease the pain. However, this is the most horrible idea a man could have, as the damage to the male organ must be repaired immediately to prevent further problems down the road. Manhood fracture always means a trip to the emergency room! Once there, a man can expect a few things to happen. First, he will be treated immediately, with doctors recognizing the problem that can stem from untreated fractures. Second, he will be given painkillers and other forms of relief that will alleviate the pain. Third, he will undergo a series of tests, such as an MRI or X-ray of the male organ, which will show just how bad things are. Then he will likely be scheduled for surgery with a competent urologist, who will perform the one-hour procedure while a man is under general anesthesia.

As long as surgery is completed within three days of the injury, the chances of recovery from a manhood fracture are actually very good. In fact, a man will need some healing time but can soon get back to his regular bedroom activities.

What about recovery? Recovery from a manhood fracture takes about six to eight weeks, depending upon how bad the situation is. During that time, a man will be expected to take pain medications when needed, monitor the male organ for signs of bleeding or other complications, and use comfort measures, such as icing the area, from time to time. He will also be expected to not have sensual activity of any kind while he’s recovering.

During recovery, the male organ will be swollen, bruised and otherwise look rather frightening. But that’s just part of the healing process, and must be taken day-by-day. One way a man can speed healing a bit is by applying a strong male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains healthy vitamins, such as A, C and D, as well as Shea butter for softness and alpha lipoic acid for fighting against skin damage, can be ideal for easing the member pain during recovery.male organ health crème