Answer the questions for each station in your notebook. Science Processes Answer the questions for each station in your notebook.
Cartesian Diver What happens to the diver when you squeeze the bottle? Why do you think this happens? Use words and pictures to explain your idea. How is the Cartesian Diver like a submarine? List the science processes that you used at this station.
Mystery Boxes Write the name of the object that you think is in each box next to the corresponding number: 1 = _______________________ 2 = _______________________ 3 = _______________________ 4 = _______________________ 5 = _______________________ List the science processes you used at this station.
Small Objects Divide the objects into two groups. Explain why you divided the objects the way that you did. Now divide each of these groups into two groups (you will have a total of 4 groups) What other properties can you use to divide these objects into groups? List the science processes you used at this station.
The Rolling Marble Use the materials to make a ramp and roll one marble down it. How far did your marble travel? Write down how you will experiment to find out how the height of the blocks affects the distance the marble will travel. Make a chart for your data. What would happen if you tested a golf ball? A ping-pong ball? List the science processes you used at this station.
Pulse Rate How do you think exercise will affect your pulse rate? Your resting pulse (number of beats per minute) ______________ Pulse rate after 1 minute of jumping jacks _______________ Pulse rate after resting 1 minute _________ Pulse rate after resting 2 minutes _________ List the science processes you used at this staton.
Reaction Time Take turns dropping and catching the ruler with your partner. The faster you catch the ruler, the shorter the distance! Data: Trial 1____ Trial 2 _____ Trial 3 _____ Average ______________ Your partner’s average _____________ What would happen to your reaction time if you used your non-dominant hand? List the science processes that you used at this station.
Build it! Take turns: One partner will use the materials to build a structure without letting the other partner see it. He/she will then write instructions for his/her partner to build the same structure. How complete were the instructions? Support your answer. How well was the builder able to make the structure. Support your answer. List the science skills you used at this station.
The Swinging Pendulum Use the materials to make a pendulum. Number of swings with 1 washer in 10 seconds: _____ Number of swings with 2 washers in 10 seconds: _____ Number of swings with 3 washers in 10 seconds: ____ Explain how the number of washers affects the number of swings the pendulum makes in a given time. Support your answer. List the science processes you used at this station.