22. Form-Focused Instruction Teaching by Principles By H. D. Brown
Form-Focused Instruction Current views of second language classroom methodology: Universally agreed on the importance of some form-focused instruction within the communicative framework, ranging from explicit treatment of rules to noticing and consciousness-raising techniques
Form-Focused Instruction The forms of language include the organizational components of language and the systematic rules that govern their structure. Phonological, grammatical, and lexical forms occupy the three principal formal categories.
The Place of Grammar Grammar gives us the form of the structures of language, but those forms are literally meaningless without semantics (meaning), and pragmatics. Grammar: how to construct a sentence Discourse rules: how to string those sentences together (cohesion & coherence)
The Place of Grammar Semantics: the meaning(s) of words and strings of words Pragmatics: which of several meanings to assign given the context of an utterance or written text.
To Teach or Not To Teach Grammar For adults, the question is what the optimal conditions for overt teaching of grammar are. Figure 20.1. Variables that determine the importance of grammar (Celce-Murcia) – P.363
To Teach or Not To Teach Grammar Six variables 1.Age 2. Proficiency level: at the beginning level, grammatical focus- an occasional “zoom lens” 3. Educational background 4. Language skills 5. Style (register) 6. Needs and goals
Issues About How to Teach Grammar Should grammar be presented inductively or deductively? An inductive approach is more appropriate in most contexts 2. Should we use grammatical explanations and technical terminology in a CLT classroom?
Issues About How to Teach Grammar Many foreign language learners’ first and only encounter with grammatical concepts was not in English (language arts classes) but in a foreign language class. Metalinguistic knowledge that we forget that our students are so busy just learning the language itself.
Issues About How to Teach Grammar 3. Should grammar be taught in separate “grammar only” classes? In some curricula, certain class hours, workshops, or courses are set aside for grammar instruction. Explicitly integrated into the total curriculum A significant portion of the agenda for the grammar class should come from sts’ work in other courses
Issues About How to Teach Grammar c. Grammar is contextualized in meaningful language use. d. Grammar “workshops” e. A standardized test preparation course serve as helpful reviews of grammar principles. f. Improvement of students’ performance outside of the grammar class
Issues About How to Teach Grammar 4. Should teachers correct grammatical errors? Overt grammatical correction- any consequence in improving learners’ language? - Overt attention to grammatical and rhetorical (discourse) errors is normally delayed until learners have completed one or two drafts of a paper
Grammar Techniques Charts Objects Maps and Drawings Dialogues Written Texts
Grammar Sequencing in Textbooks and Curricula Lack of empirical verification of hierarchies of difficulty by the time the debate over grammatical sequencing whimpered to a halt Situational and notional-functional curricula assumed popularity. A sequence may be more a factor of frequency and usefulness.
Grammar Sequencing in Textbooks and Curricula Learners’ success in course seems to be more a factor of clear, unambiguous presentation of material Opportunity for meaningful, interactive practice, rather than a factor of a grammar point presented a week earlier or later
A “word” about Vocabulary Teaching Principles for teaching vocabulary Allocate specific class time to vocabulary learning Help students to learn vocabulary in context Play down the role of bilingual dictionaries Encourage students to develop strategies for determining the meaning of words
A “word” about Vocabulary Teaching 5. Engage in “unplanned” vocabulary teaching -they are simply brief little pointers. -see page 380’s example -impromptu moments may be extended. -make sure that such unplanned teaching does not detract from the central focus of activity by going on and on, ad nauseam.