Intramural Ultimate Frisbee
Contacts Wes Landrum – Director of Intramurals Email: Jonathan Keeler – Graduate Assistant Email: Phone: 240-682-9782 Durell Deal– Graduate Assistant Phone: 443-205-0129
Games Regulation Field is 70 yards by 40 yards, with 25 yard end zones Time: Two 15 minute halves Running clock except on timeouts 1 timeout per team per half Games will be played on the up top football fields
Rosters There will be a max of 7 players on the field 5 players must be present in order to play a game Game time is forfeit time Players may be added to the roster until the playoffs Rosters are capped at 12 players
Rules Initiate Play: Both teams lineup in front of their respective end zone. The defense will throw the disc to the offense. Coin flip will determine who receives the Frisbee first Scoring: The offense must complete a pass in the defense end zone If a team is ahead by 6 scores after half time then the game is ended
Rules Movement of the Disc: The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc Person with the disc has 10 seconds to throw Change of Possession: When a pass is not completed (out of bounds, dropped, block, interception, moving with the disc, not throwing the disc within 10 seconds) The defense will take immediately possession at the spot of the turnover.
Rules Substitutions: Players not in the game may enter the game after a score and after a time- out. No Contact: No physical contact is allowed between players Picks and screens are also prohibited Foul occurs when contact is made. Foul: when a player initiates contact If the foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if possession was retained.
Sportsmanship A sportsmanship rating on a 0-4 scale is given after every game. At the end of the season the ratings are averaged and a team must maintain a 2.75 to make it into the playoffs. A team must also maintain a 2.75 in playoffs to advance to the next round. 4: Excellent, no problems, default 3: Occasional problems, some verbal dissent, 2: Unreasonable comments and conduct 1: Continuous verbal dissent, unreasonable conduct 0: Fighting, vulgar language, unreasonable conduct, forfeit