Thin Films for the Next Generation of Neutron Detectors Carina Höglund1,2 B. Alling, J. Birch, L. Hultman, L. Robinson, S. Schmidt, and R. Hall-Wilton 1 European Spallation Source ERIC 2 Thin Film Physics Division, IFM, Linköping University, Sweden
3He crisis – An opportunity In 2009… 3He production very limited Unaffordable prices Need alternatives for n-detectors Needs drive development Opportunity for new better ideas! Forecast for ESS Active detection area at ESS
10B4C 1 mm Si Why thin films? Coatings of nm to mm thickness Large choice of materials Physical and chemical vapor deposition Functional for a vast range of applications Can revolutionize detector capabilities 10B4C Si 1 mm Expectations from thin film n-detectors: Better time resolution 15 times better rate capability >4 times better spatial resolution From 3D to 4D (or 5D) measurements ~400 channels ~100 000 channels
Thin film physics division at Linköping University (LiU) ~60 persons (26 PhD students) Hard and low-friction coatings Energy materials Power electronics & wide-band semiconductors Gas and chemical sensors Conducting polymers Bio-medical materials Neutron-detecting films Materials research @ LiU ~250 persons - Integrating experiments, theory, and modeling - State-of-the-art laboratories Spin-offs Ion Bond, Thin Film Electronics, Impact Coatings, n-Works, etc Detector coatings group - Since 2010 - ~10 people (2 PhD students) - ~20 scientific publications - 1 patent
What we have shown so far Detectors based on 10B-enriched B4C thin films are a competitive alternative to 3He gas based detectors Synergy between expertise areas within material science and neutron/radiation detection
Our thin film toolbox Advanced diagnostics techniques Materials theory Various deposition techniques Scalable industrial production processes
Tailored properties: 2 examples Deposition temperature Surface resistivity Various substrate material Process adjustment needed Varied process pressure High quality thin films at HT< Certain resistivity might be needed Process adjustment needed Varied process pressure Resistivities 103-107 Ω/square We love new ideas and to optimize processes for each of them
Large scale production Mass production test: >100 m2 10B4C in 45 days Done! Since 2014: CC800/9 coater Chewbacca Same as Samson at LiU (backup and R&D) Capacity: 3 runs/day (~2.5 m2 1 μm 10B4C/run ) 1200 - 1400 m2 per year
Thin films - not only for neutron detectors! Potential Impact Further developed thin films merged with future detector technologies Thin films allow miniaturization of detector technologies Completely new set of detectors for the next generation of neutron science Broadening the range of potential applications for neutron detectors Great potential for other detector types and other sensor applications Radiation scanners, oil well logging, industrial production environment, radiation monitors Thin films - not only for neutron detectors!
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