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Scientific Method
10 Science Skills Communicating Inferring Observing Pick 3 and create your own example for each of the 3 you pick. - Write the example on the front and the word on the back. Be prepared, you may be contested! - put your name, class, and student number on the note cards please! Communicating Inferring Observing Controlling variables Experimenting Measuring Classifying Representing data Predicting Recording data
Quiz-Quiz/ping-pong Quiz-Quiz Ping-pong time! Know where the “net” in the room is. Every time you score go from one side of the room to the other, until you reach 10 + sit down. Follow-up, were there disagreements about what some of the example were?
Scientific Method – 9 steps version (preparation steps first) Ask a Question Do research (book/internet kind) Make a Hypothesis – often an “if-then” statement – this is your prediction. Gather materials –
Scientific Method – 9 steps version Experiment – do the testing Observe – Record data Analyze/Graph Data Make a conclusion.
Vocabulary for the Test Measure – determine how much of something you have. Analyze – figuring out what something means (usually data in science) Research – to use background information to learn about something. Materials – things you use in an experiment.
Very important vocabulary Infer – to guess about one thing from something else. - example: I infer you are not hungry anymore since you didn’t want dessert. Predict – A guess, often educated, about what might happen when something is done. Your hypothesis is a prediction. Experiment – to test a hypothesis. Observe – use your 5 senses to gather information.
More Vocab Classify – to group things together based on traits they share in common. Organisms are classified into different groups such as vertebrates and invertebrates. Data – information gathered with the senses, usually one of two main types, quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative data – numerical. Qualitative data – information that uses descriptive terms such as feelings or colors.
Types of variables Constants – variables that are held the same for each part of an experiment. Independent variable- I change it – the scientist decides the different numbers or amounts of this component. (example % salinity for brine shrimp) Dependent variable – This is determined by the experiment (This is your key data, what you are trying to find out about, it depends)
Other vocab Control – the trial or comparison group for your experiment – it is not manipulated or changed (For example: the control often has none of the independent variable in it – 0% salinity for brine shrimp) Hypothesis – a prediction about the outcome of an experiment.
The following slides have some examples of experiment parts out of order – place them in order and identify the parts – solution is on following slide.
IDENTIFY AND CORRECTLY ORDER THE PARTS OF SALLY’S SCIENCE PROJECT Sally’s Brine Shrimp - notice only 7 parts – 2 are missing (which ones?) Sally wondered what concentration of salt water was best for hatching brine shrimp eggs. Sally graphed the number of brine shrimp swimming in each of the 4 concentrations. Sally gathered materials and set up 4 concentrations of salt water with brine shrimp eggs in it. Sally predicted that 3% salinity would be the optimum concentration of salt to hatch brine shrimp eggs in. Sally counted the number of brine shrimp hatched in each of the 4 concentrations. Sally wrote the number of brine shrimp swimming in each of the 4 concentrations. Sally decided that 5% salinity was the optimum concentration of salt to hatch brine shrimp eggs.
Sally’s Brine Shrimp A = Question C = Gather materials and begin experiment D = Hypothesis E = Observed F = Record Data B = Analyzed Data G = Conclusion Missing are the research – some of the experiment is in part C
Printer Problem IDENTIFY AND CORRECTLY ORDER THESE PARTS I reviewed what the manual said about printer problems I was right; the printer was out of ink I think the printer is out of ink. I will open the printer, change the ink cartridge, and try to reprint my paper My printer won’t work The paper went through the printer properly and printed out correctly.
Printer Problem E = problem A = research C = Hypothesis D = Experiment F = observe B = Conclusion
Droopy Plants Problem IDENTIFY AND CORRECTLY ORDER THE PARTS OF SALLY’S SCIENCE PROJECT I determined that increasing the amount of water my plants received, resulted in healthier plants. I think that I need to water the plants more often. The plant that was watered twice a week increased in height by 8 centimeters in one month. The other plant only grew 2 centimeters. My house plants are drooping and look close to death. I read about plants at the library. I watered plant #1 once a week and watered plant #2 two times a week for a month. I measured the height of each plant and recorded my observations about leaf color daily.
Droopy Plants Problem D = problem E = research B = hypothesis F = experiment C = data A = conclusion
Sally looked at her notes from her baby-sitting course. Crying Baby Blues – multiple STEPS in some (+bonus, see if you can figure it out ) Sally looked at her notes from her baby-sitting course. Sally went to the store and purchased 3 different shapes and brands of pacifier and tried a different pacifier each day for three days. Sally believed that the shape of the NUK brand pacifier was a more comfortable fit in the baby’s mouth. Sally thinks that a different brand of pacifier will make him happier. Sally’s new baby bother cries a lot and won’t accept a pacifier. Sally recorded the amount of time the baby kept the pacifier in his mouth and determined that the NUK brand was his favorite.
Crying Baby Blues E = problem A = research D = Hypothesis B = Gather Materials + experiment F = record data, analyze data, and draw conclusion C = infer the reason for the conclusion!