September Pack Meeting Welcome New Scouts and Families! Thank you to Den 7 , tonight’s greeter den & Den 2, hosts of the gathering activity.
Signs up! Two fingers are like the ears of Akela, listening but not talking. The two fingers stand for the two points of the Scout Oath: to help others and to obey the Scout Law
Scout Salute: two fingers to right brim or eyebrow Opening Flag Ceremony Den 4 Scout Salute: two fingers to right brim or eyebrow
Scout Oath On my honor I will do my best To do my duty To God and my country And to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, Mentally awake, And morally straight.
Scout Law A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Opening Ceremony led by Den 8 September Core Value: A Scout is Courteous A Scout is polite to everyone and knows good manners, which is especially important while welcoming new members to our pack. . Opening Ceremony led by Den 8
Opening Prayer “May we always treat others with courtesy and respect, Knowing this is how Scouts should always act”
Welcome! Welcome to our new scouts and Welcome back to our returning scouts. Pack 414 is excited to begin a new scouting year!
Pack 414 Committee Charter Organization Rep: Dr Gant of Pearland Pediatrics Committee Chair: Jack Tol Cubmaster: Eileen Mellon Membership Chairs: Nena Mbawuike & Vince Diaz Pack Trainer: Scott Swafford Awards/Advancement Chair: Jennifer Sherman Camping Chairs: Darrell Higgins, Alex Moore & Michael Lewis Treasurer: Keith Erskine Popcorn Kernels: Lety Coronado, Terina Bowles & Devindu Singh Summertime Activities: Leah Stribling, Emily Sample & Cyndy Schaefer
Thank You! Lets give a huge round of applause to all out parent volunteers! “Thank you for your dedication to Scouting”
Training Our Scouts deserve a trained leader Youth Protection Training (YPT) is REQUIRED for all adults who will be attending ANY scouting event. Required for Pack rechartering
Where to get training? Online Bay Area Trainer: Andy Tirpack Pack 414 Trainer: Scott Swafford
Membership Applications and dues New parent Orientation Parent roles in the pack/ Leaders YPT and recharter Recruitment Arrow of Light crossover Uniform inspections!!!
Session 1 - 9-10:30 a.m. Session 2 - 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Session 3 - 1-2:30 p.m. COST: Free CONTACT: Tina Brendle at REGISTER BY: October 4, 2017 WALK INS WELCOME - SUBJECT TO PROGRAM SCHEDULE AVAILABILITY
COST: (Price includes dinner on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, a patch, a pumpkin, candy and more. Price does not include lunch on Saturday. Please plan accordingly.) $20 per Scout/adult/youth REGISTER BY: October 11, 2017 Open to the first 300 registrants BACBSA.ORG
Pack 414 Dues- 2017/18 $85 (+$2 online fee) per scout $10 increase from last year Re-charter fee increased Deadline – October 15 Re-Charter check is due by year end Methods of Payment Check – Payable to Pack 414 Cub Scouts Credit Card (Nena or myself tonight) On-line at $2 fee for processing online payment
Projected Year End Balance Pack 414 2017/18 Budget Start of Year Balance $4,810 Total Expenditures Ceremonies and Awards Pack 414 Annual Charter Activities Camping Pack Meeting Administrative $16,430 $2,725 $3,300 $3,955 $4,050 $2,400 $180 Activity Awards Rank Awards Cross Over Graduation Arrow of Light $33/Scout+Adult Registration (80) $12/scout Boy's Life $1/Member Insurance $40 flat Unit Liability Ins Rocket Launch Pinewood Derby Blue & Gold Service Projects Summer Activities Brazos Bend Huntsville Lexington Bovay Pack Meal @ each Venue Rental Raffle Items Entertainment Domain Registration Website Hosting Scouttrack Total Income Annual Scout Dues PopCorn Income Blue and Gold Camp Signups Pack Paid for Campouts $13,545 $5,525 $5,000 $500 $1,320 $1,200 $85 per scout $196 sales per scout Projected Year End Balance $1,925
Lety Coronado, Terina Bowles & Devindu Singh Popcorn Kernel Lety Coronado, Terina Bowles & Devindu Singh
PopCorn Fundraiser Popcorn sale season has officially begun Minimum of $125 per scout/ $175 per family Money raised is used to fund programs and activities throughout the year Our pack gets up to 33% of the money There are top seller prizes from Council (see insert in order form) and Pack 3 ways to sell: Table sales, take order, and online
Popcorn Fundraiser Signup Genius for table sales will be sent out the weekend of September 30th Door to Door sales can start ASAP Online sales set up on above Why Sell? Click on popcorn ordering system & sales Take order sales forms and money should be turned into your den leader by November 5th Popcorn will be picked up on December 2nd and be available for distribution
Popcorn Prizes Amount Prize Options of Sales: (choose one): $250 Pocket Knife, Water Balloon, Nerf Gun $350 Lego Set, Nerf Vest $450 Walkie-Talkie Set, Outdoor Kit, $25 GC $750 Large Nerf Gun $1000 Dancing Speakers, $50 GC The top-selling scout in the Pack can pick any 2 prizes! The top-selling den (average/scout) wins a Pizza Party!
Popcorn Prizes The top-selling scout in each den will be recognized at a pack meeting with a certificate of award. Every scout receives a Popcorn Patch. Prizes offered by council start at $1000 and up (see flyer included in popcorn packet). Scouts who sell $2500 or more get 6% of their sales in a personal college fund. All subsequent sales for their whole scouting career count towards this fund.
Camping Plan Sept 30th, Webelos Woods, Troop 446, Camp Karankawa. Signup at Oct 21st -22nd, Ghosts & Goblins, Camp Karankawa. Signup at Nov 10th-12th, Family Fall Camp out, Brazos Bend State Park
Camping Plan February 2018, Family Spring Camp out April 2018, Family Campout, TBA May 2018, Bears in the woods, TBA
Upcoming Dates All of the following can be found on the calendar for Pack 414. Please see Membership Chair if you are a new scout parent Did you know that you can subscribe to the Pack 414 calendar and have these all appear on your electronic calendar? In Calendar view click on “Subscribe or Export to Calendar” in the top right
Upcoming Dates Saturday, Sept 29th, Webelos Woods, Camp Karankawa, 3249FM 1459 rd, Sweeny, TX, 77480 (Webelos & Arrow of Light ) Thursday, Oct 5th 7.30pm, Committee Meeting, Schlotsky’s Deli, All are welcome! Saturday, Oct 7th, Bobcat in the Park, One-stop shopping and earn your first badge! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 2700 Lehi Lane, Alvin (all new scouts)
Upcoming Dates Sunday, Oct 15th, 1:00pm: Rocket Launch, Rogers Middle School. Tuesday, Oct 17th, 7:00pm: Pack Meeting, Rogers Middle School. Saturday, Oct 21st, Ghosts & Goblins, Camp Karankawa, 3249FM 1459 rd, Sweeny, TX, 77480 Thursday, Nov 2nd 7.30pm, Committee Meeting, Schlotsky’s Deli, All are welcome! Sunday, Nov 5th, Popcorn orders due, Give to Den Leader Friday Nov 11-13th, Fall Campout, Brazos Bend State Park
Scout Salute: two fingers to right brim or eyebrow Closing Flag Ceremony Den 5 Scout Salute: two fingers to right brim or eyebrow
Outdoor Code As an American I will do my best to: Be clean in my outdoor manners, Be careful with fire, Be considerate in the outdoors, And be conservation minded. Den 3 thank you for cleaning up tonight!