As part of God’s one family in the world, we are delighted to have you share with us in worship on this day. May your presence here be a blessing for your life!
Just a reminder…… Please turn your cell to Vibrate, or Off during the Service. Thank you.
What you Need to Know If you identify someone in need of medical attention, please raise your hand to indicate to the Minister that assistance is needed.
At the Sign-up Centre Nursery Volunteers Side by Side Muffin or Cookie Bakers CareShare Signup Coffee Hosts Food Bank Satellite Bible Study I Can Help This Way Aboriginal Awareness Volunteer at Salvation Army (gift hampers) Children & Youth Processing the Bible & Ushering
Prayer Opportunities Please let the ministers know of anyone who is sick or in hospital.
New Assisted Listening System Receivers Available in the cabinet by the entry doors Speak to a sound board person for assistance
Important Notice Congregational Meeting – Sun., November 5th 4:00pm in the Sanctuary in order to approve a tiered ministry model for our Ministry Team. Copies of job descriptions are available at the Welcome Desk, and online at
Flowers The flowers adorning the chancel are given to the Glory of God in celebration of the baptism this morning of Madilyn Grace Koch, & in loving memory of Lorraine Olm, by parents Christopher & Charlene Koch, grandfather Neil Olm, & grandparents Don & Annika Koch.
New Bible Study Apostles Creed with Rev. Jared No need to sign up – just show up! 7pm on Thursday, November 2 Trinity Hall
Bible Study Coffee & Conversation has started again on Tuesdays, at 9:30am in the Karl English Lounge. Join us for light refreshments at 9:30am and stay for the Bible Study. Everyone is welcome!
Family Ministry Surge Youth Youth Bible Study Take 150 is back! Thursday evenings beginning upstairs in the Youth Lounge at 7:00pm Friday, November 24 in Trinity Hall at 6:30pm. See the November Monthly Bulletin for all the details!
Careshare Refresh! We are updating our lists! Please sign up today! Can you provide an occasional meal? Can you drive someone to a medical appointment? Do you check your emails regularly? Then we are looking for you! Even if you have already advised that you can volunteer, please update your info at the Volunteer Centre on the sign-up sheet. Thank you!
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR SAVE THE DATE! ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2017 10:00am – 2:00pm Craft Items - Books & Media Second Time Treasures Bouncy Castle - Toys - Candy, Tea Room - Bake Table Baking - Preserves Welcome donations of gently used items including books, CDs, DVDs, children’s toys, collectibles & bake goods. Volunteers needed Sign-up coming soon.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Do you get accused of hogging the remote at home? Then join the Audio/Video desk on Sunday mornings. You can advance the PowerPoint slides or switch the camera positions. If this interests you please talk to those sitting at the Audio/Video desk at the back of the Sanctuary on Sunday morning.
Heritage Food Bank Depot Friday shifts: 8:30am – 10:00am Saturday shifts: 1:00pm – 4:00pm For more info – sign up ... or contact Liza Fuenning (403) 259-4108 Bill Judd (403) 278-5904
Celebration of Life Service Monday, November 28th at 7:30 pm Especially for those who have suffered a loss. Guest Speaker – Darrin Parkin, Spiritual Care Coordinator, Sage Centre & Rosedale
Veteran’s Food Bank For the Month of November we will be collecting food and funds for the Veteran’s Food Bank. Please see November’s bulletins for all the details.
Bible Study Please join Doug & Helena McMillan as they lead a new Bible study on Wednesday evenings, started Oct.18, at 6:30pm in the Inner Hall. They will be studying Ray Vander Laan’s “Walk as Jesus Walked – Making Disciples”. Sign up today. All are welcome.
Building Security If you are the last person to leave the building, please make sure ALL the doors and windows are securely locked.
Sign up on the sheet at the Volunteer Corner or contact the Office Coffee Hosts Needed Please sign up for this great ministry, and help make everyone feel welcome! Sign up on the sheet at the Volunteer Corner or contact the Office
Please Stay Join us for coffee/tea/juice in the Karl English Lounge after the service.