Coco Johnson without a headband.
The Coco connection…the beginning. Coco Johnson is the number 1. pick in the 2013 ABA draft. He got drafted by the Flint Tropics. Him and his fellow friend Sno0kiE Jay-WaLKeR got drafted by each other. Sno0kiE Jay-WaLKeR was the number 19th over all pick in the draft. All together they were the of the best connections in ABA history.
Coco Johnsons super powers. He’s 5’3 but he has hops like a kangaroo also has springs in his shoes The normal three point line is to small for him so his three point line is the half court line. He has keen eyesight to find his best friend Sno0kiE Jay-WaLKeR for the new thing in the ABA the alli-oop. You know Air Jordan well Coco Johnson can jump from the three point line. In the ABA they call him Air Coco.
Coco Johnsons team The Flint Tropics are an ABA basketball team who’s best moment was when they beat the Spurs and got 4th place so now they went into the NBA for a little bit.
The retire mant of Coco. That was some information about my tall tale person. Coco Johnson is the best at every thing and he also has a great spirat. The End