Simulated vertex precision VERTEX LOCATOR Presented by: Malcolm John (CERN) on behalf of the LHCb VELO collaboration April 2006 Presented at: The International Symposium on Detector Development (SNIC) April 2006 Detector overview LHCb is an experiment under construction at point-8 on the LHC collider at CERN. It is conceived to take advantage of the large number of B-mesons (1012/year) produced in the 14TeV proton-proton interactions. The study of B-mesons depends on efficient resolution of displaced vertices. B-mesons produced at LHC fly several millimeters before decay. Precise vertexing is required to resolve a primary collision vertex and the secondary B-decay vertex. ~1 metre VELO vacuum tank is integrated into the LHC beam-pipe Closest active element approaches to within only 8.2mm of the LHC beam Silicon sensors, front-end analogue electronics and associated cooling units are housed in a secondary vacuum contained by an aluminum RF-shield Each entire VELO-half is mobile. It is required to retract away from the beam-line by 3cm during beam-filling 3cm retraction During beam-fill B- - + µ- Look for displaced vertices whose momenta sums to the B mass Primary vertex: many tracks (typically 20-100) B decay vertices: a few tracks (typically 2 to 5) D0 µ 100 µm to 10 mm B0 At LHCb, the VELO has three vital roles: Trigger on a B decay of interest (the VELO is part of the online software trigger) Suppress multiple interactions (A pile-up veto in the hardware trigger) Track reconstruction: used to seed the tracking in the rest of LHCb. VELO tracking can also provide an absolute measurement of the LHC beam’s movement – even when the VELO-halves are retracted 4. Precise vertexing and reconstruction of decays as a function of the B meson’s time of flight (offline reconstruction) Physics motivation An example is the measurement of BS-mixing. Because the BS oscillate very fast, excellent vertexing is required to resolve the time (and, because of the boost at LHC energies, distance) -dependent decay distribution Simulated vertex precision Baseline VELO design 21 stations. Each station measures r and Left-Right staggered in Z to allow for a small overlap region (alignment) Inner (<16mm) and outer region ‘Dog-leg’ to give a stereo angle Pitch: 35 to 100 microns 4x45o sectors (Provides crude ) Pitch: 40 to 100 microns Silicon sensor. Choose: n+ in n-bulk sensors 200 – 300 microns thick n-on-n shows most tolerance to radiation damage Needs cooling (< 0º) to minimise radiation damage Bias voltage < 600V (after 3 years of radiation) Second metal layer for signal routing 2048 micro strips per sensor (Over 170 000 channels in total) 35 – 100 μm pitch (To keep occupancy reasonable at low r) Beetle FE chip pulse shape from testbeam data Non uniform radiation environment 1.3 * 1014 neq/cm2/year at r = 8 mm 5.0 * 1012 neq/cm2/year at r = 42 mm Front-end analogue read-out : Beetle chip Fast (LHC bunch-crossing freq. = 25ns) Low noise Silicon design -sensors r-sensors Readout lines Silicon strips RMIN = 8.2mm RMAX = 42.1mm Silicon side Beam side The VELO vacuum box is required to protect the VELO from RF pickup from LHC beams, to provide a wake-field guide, and to protect LHC vacuum from out-gassing from VELO To avoid inelastic deformations The secondary vacuum in the box is maintained to within 5 mbar of the primary LHC vacuum. Careful R&D has designed an inner foil that minimizes the amount of material seen by particles coming from the interaction point yet allows the left and right halves of the VELO to overlap (needed for alignment) This RF shield varies in thickness from 300m down to 150m at the very contorted part close to the beam. Vacuum box The RF-shield accounts for half the radiation length of the VELO (shown in pie-chart) for particles in the LHCb acceptance! Cut-away of the RF-box showing the position of the silicon-sensor modules within 1 Module production Hollow carbon-fiber paddle After 10years of R&D, the 42 VELO modules are now entering production A complete VELO half is expected ready for beam-tests after the summer Installation in the experimental hall is due early in 2007 Precision-milled feet set in carbon-fibre base Aluminum “cookies” are the heat-sink for the CO2 cooling system. The cookies are mounted at the bottom of the hybrid Bonding Front-end Beetle chips to hybrid Pitch adaptor fabrication. PAs bond to the sensor at one end and to the Beetle chip at the other receive and validate components populate hybrids with Beetle FE chips and pitch adaptors (PA) bond back-end of chips to the hybrid and the front-end to the PAs glue r-measuring and f-measuring sensors on double-hybrids bond PAs to sensors glue double-hybrid to carbon-fibre paddle and base final QA, metrology and burn-in Silicon detectors (r,f) Hybrid (Beetle FE, PA) PCB substrate Cooling unit Carbon-fibre paddle Precision-made base silicon 0ºC cookies -10ºC By September 2006 Mechanics: installation The VELO installation is split into two projects: Assemble/commission silicon sensors, readout and electronics outside the experimental hall. Metrology, and beam-tests will be performed on each VELO-half (box right) Install vacuum mechanics in the experimental hall for LHC integration and bake-out. Testing of the primary and secondary vacuums Vacuum-tight bellows: Allows the retraction whilst maintaining vacuum-tightness (Trial-) installation a detector hood containing its module support plate into the vacuum tank Vacuum tank shipping to CERN now