3-D Surrealism
Duchamp’s “Fountain”
Merret Oppenheim’s “Teacup”
Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory”
Transformation Sculptures
The Project! Begin by choosing a method you would like to use Think of Surrealist ideas you could create in 3-D. Remember to use one or more of the Surrealist Methods (Juxtaposition, Scale, Transformation, Dislocation, Transparency, Levitation) Create three sketches of your idea (two should be rough sketches, the third should be a detailed drawing, planning out your project) Using your chosen method, re-create your surrealist idea in three dimensions Try to make your Surrealist Sculptures as Dream-like as possible! Title your sculpture
The Methods Tape Sculpture Found Object Sculpture Chicken Wire/ Paper Mache Cardboard relief sculpture Other Materials (must be pre-approved by Mr D'Arcy or Ms Jamieson!!!)
Tape Sculpture Choose your object(s) Wrap them in clear plastic wrap Cover that in four or more layers of packing tape (all different directions) Cut the plastic off of the original object Re-tape the cut Fill with materials or attach to other tape sculptures WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO BRING IN Plastic Wrap (Seran Wrap etc.), objects to use as moulds
Tape Sculpture Examples
Mark Jenkins’ Storker Project
Student Examples
Found object sculpture Find several objects you would like to use Get permission to mangle them! Cut, glue sew, or otherwise attach the objects together to create something new (the new object should have an invented purpose or function!) WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO BRING IN Found objects (from Value Village, Salvation Army etc.)
This used to be a bicycle wheel and a stool, what is it now? By Duchamp
Paper Mache Using chicken wire build a 3-D Surrealist form Cover the form in layers of paper mache Paint the finished product WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO BRING IN Newspapers
“The Papier-Mache Anatomist" by Louis Auzoux
Cardboard Relief Use cardboard to change a 2-D drawing into a relief sculpture Begin by drawing an image Cut out cardboard shapes to fit the image and build it into a relief sculpture. WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO BRING IN Cardboard (Cereal boxes, brown boxes, etc.)
Books made 3-D by Brian Dettmer
Have Fun!