tRIp to the international conference LITHUANIA, Marijampolė 19/06/2017 #EUVibes tRIp to the international conference LITHUANIA, Marijampolė 19/06/2017
19th June was very exciting day and we had a lot of fun 19th June was very exciting day and we had a lot of fun! We set off early on the morning and after one hour we were on the spot. There were also different people from 8 countries! First we ate breakfast in a lunchroom, because hungry students are bad students! We were divided into two groups – blue and green team. We met so cool people and we learned a little bit about their culture. Then we spent one hour familiarizing subject of the conference – "Europe for Citizens" and "Propaganda in Europe“. #EUVibes
Marijampole today Marijampole, the seventh town in Lithuania, according to size, has been the regional center since 1994. The city covers an area equal to 2050,7 hectares. The sesupe river divides the city into two parts connected by 6 bridges. The number of inhabitants in Marijampole total 48,7 Thousand. Marijampole is easily accessible to the rest of Lithuania. Vilnius, the countries capital is 139 km., while Klaipeda, the seaport city is 231 km. Marijampole is fortunate to be located at the crossroad of two very important mainroads. The Via Baltica (after reconstruction) will connect Helsinki with Central and Southern Europe. The other highway links the city of Königsberg (Kaliningrad) with Byelorussia. #EUVibes
After coffee break, we had workshop about propaganda After coffee break, we had workshop about propaganda. We were working in groups and then presented for everyone what we've done. We spent about 3 hours working with our new friends from Lithuania, Georgia, Spain, Germany, Romania and Russia. At 2 p.m. we had lunch. Then some time for leisure and viewing. #EUVibes
Thanks for watching! Summary was created by: Kamil Sawicki & Natalia Poniszko Photographers: Beata Wyszkowska Kaja Lesisz Natalia Poniszko Daria Aniszczyk