Ending childhood hunger!! DDMS 4H CLUB Ending childhood hunger!!
Food insecurity Child food insecurity ¼ children are food insecure in wake county Being food insecure can and has resulted in child obesity Some days kids will even go without eating
Free and reduced lunch students that have free or reduced lunch may not have food at home. Some students only depend on school meals. What if they miss the bus? Or what if there car breaks down and they have to stay at home all day? then what will they eat? 53,687 or 34% of wake county school children are enrolled in free and reduced lunch.
How We keep It Going! Keep the money Us 8th graders Raising money Dances Food drives When we leave we will pass it down to the 7th graders and they will pass it down to the 6th graders we will keep it going even when we’re not here because we will have the next generation of Dillard drive students to keep it going.
Food pantry We have a new idea. A lot of schools may have a school garden, we came with a food pantry. The items in our food pantry includes: meats, vegetable, snacks, fruit, breads, and baked good. Every thing must be non-perishable. Our idea is like back pack buddies. We want to send students home with something to eat over the weekend. We are also supplying book bags for our peers.
Food waste 40% of food is wasted but 25% of children are hungry in wake county. An example of food that we have witnessed over the summer is the summer meals program. After every one ate and if there were any extra meals they would have to be thrown away when we could have given them away. Or if we were still hungry we could not get seconds.
In memory of Carrington Branch A.K.A PETEY Born: March 16 2003- June 23 2016 Great role model he also loved to play football ,hunting ,fishing He attended Dillard Drive Middle school and would be in the 8th grade
Thank you to… Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; Michele lesniak / wcpss social worker Ms. DeLuca / child nutrition services director Lisa Williams /urban ministries Shia Ching (child)/food ark president Griffe yougles om/farmzie professor Ms. Rodgers/ DDMS Principal Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; Teach a man to fish he will eat for a lifetime