CLASSROOM NEWSLETTER Week of October 10th-14th Miss Gades’s 1st Grade Class WE WILL BE WORKING ON: DON’T FORGET! Reading: Our story this week is a fiction story called, Jack and the Wolf. In this story, we will talk about the characters in a story and how they can teach us things. In phonics (letter sounds), we will work on the sounds for short a, double final consonants (-gg, -ll, etc.) and the –ck ending. In grammar we will work on naming and identifying complete sentences. Please keep track of your child’s reading on the reading log. We will do this all year, so keep looking for book bags to come home! Daily 5 & CAFE: As a part of our reading block, we will also continue to work on Daily 5. We built up to 20 minutes of read to self last week. This week we will keep building our Work on Writing stamina, and we’ll launch read to someone. Our strategies this week will include: understanding characters. Spelling: Spelling tests will be on Fridays. The test will have words from the Journeys story. Journeys Spelling: an, bad, can, had, cat, ran, add, pass, staff, quack Math: In math this week, we will continue chapter 3 in GoMath! We will revisit addition and talk about various addition strategies. We will be talking about doubles, doubles plus one, and counting on to add. Social Studies: This week, we will be doing various fire safety activities because it is Fire Safety Prevention Week! October 11th October 18th Picture Retakes Early Out at Noon October 12th October 19th-21st Library Day No School-MEA Break Early Out Day (3pm) October 24th-28th October 13th Book Fair in Library Flu Shots at school Red Ribbon Week October 17th October 24th & 27th Chip Shoppe Fundraiser Packets Due! Conferences TEACHER’S CORNER: IXL: Each week I will list skills that students can practice. This week: D.1, D.2, D.4, D.6, D.7, D.8, D.9, D.11, D.15 Sight Words: COME, SAID, CALL, HEAR, AWAY, EVERY, RAN, ASK Practice Spelling and Sight Words : I have several websites and games to practice math linked to my school website: If you have any questions, please email me at Remember: You can see our class Facebook Page by liking Miss Gades’ Rockin’ 1st Grade! Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.—Dr. Seuss