Year 5: Autumn Earthquakes, Zones and Volcanoes English texts/video stimulus: English Writing Opportunities: Social, Moral, Spiritual and cultural links: Art and Design: Design and Technology: Various Non fiction books – research, make notes and re-write Clips of volcanoes, Tsunami, Pompeii Story of Pompeii – Recount writing Guided reading – On dangerous ground Fact files Witness accounts Non fiction report - what a volcano is, where they are, why happen and religious beliefs PowerPoint presentation (report) – specific volcano Setting description / diary extract- Pompeii Persuasion letter – aid for earthquake appeal Newspaper article - Tsunami Roman Religious beliefs World aid to help victims Living near a volcano (creative arts week and Emotional Health and Wellbeing Week). Create water colour / pastel eruption Design and create a volcano. Create a volcanic eruption Year 5: Autumn Earthquakes, Zones and Volcanoes Science: Science behind an volcano erupting Investigating volcanic rocks and soils. Investigating material with a chemical change. Create a volcanic eruption Separate science unit – properties of materials Mathematics: % and measurements about earthquakes and volcano facts – compare to everyday objects. Roman numerals link to Pompeii. Richter scale – comparing decimals Timeline of eruptions/ earthquakes/ Tsunami Comparing and rounding using heights of volcanoes Journey planning – timetable work Data Handling Computing: Music: Famous People: Visits: n/a Geography: Research PowerPoint presentation Coding A composition about the different stages of a volcano eruption n/a Everyday heroes in natural disasters History: What is volcano? Why happens? Atlas work – ring of Fire / Pompeii/ specific volcanoes Lifestyle in counties with volcano Tectonic plates World Aid Case Study: Recent Mexican Earthquake Life in Pompeii before and after disaster Historic volcanic eruptions / earthquakes / Tsunami PE: Languages: Hockey - outdoor Languages spoken in Volcano areas (ring of Fire) Separate French lessons